Sunday, January 2, 2022

goals l objective l goal setting

 Goals / Objective


   " A goal is a dream with a time limit, which can only be achieved with determination and hard work, we can achieve real success in life. "

    "A goal is a strong-willed desire, which only when motivated in one direction, the objectives are fulfilled.

    We cannot concentrate thoughts (mind) and feelings on one thing or action without setting goals."

    Only when the goal is fixed, we can concentrate our thoughts, feelings in a certain direction.

    As long as all our energy, attention is not fixed on any one direction, goal, we will continue to wander from one task or idea to another, getting confused in the path of success.

    Directionless personality will always reduce our self-confidence and self-confidence and we will only accept self-blame, fear, worry and stress etc.

    We can achieve a specific goal only by working patiently with faith in ourselves, goals and planning.

    When ideas and efforts are made to fulfil the dreams in a certain direction, in a certain time, to make the dreams of the future come true; A plan is made to work on it and there is a determination to complete the work within a specified time frame, this is what we can call a well thought out goal.

    Thoughts in goal as well as definite purpose; A detailed plan for fulfilling those objectives is attached.

    The goal also includes a clear action plan and a definite time-frame as well as the difficulties in completing it, measures to overcome them.

    Every task is divided into time-limits and there is a determination to complete all in the given time with discipline.

    Goals give a definite direction to our thoughts, motives and feelings and give them the discipline to assess them from time to time.

    It is through the goal that our attention and efforts get a definite direction.

    Due to the time-limit in the goal, the speed and dedication of our work increases.

    Work done with discipline is also successful.

    Unless we make definite goals of life and work with discipline in a certain direction, we cannot be successful.

    Due to lack of understanding of the directions and timing of our work, our efforts will not be focused and we will keep on wandering.

    If hard work is done in a certain direction, then only meaningful results can be achieved.

    We have to make efforts to work in SMART ways with new technology and skills instead of old habits of working and work with planning in SAMART ways; With this, we can easily achieve greater success in less effort - if we have chosen the goals wisely on the basis of our skill and ability, experience.

    For this, we have to know ourselves, by setting the main objectives of life and working on them with a fixed time limit; then only we can be successful in a given time.

    By setting goals, we get self-motivation and self-confidence and concentration to complete the task.

    By analysis from time to time, we can speed up the action plan in a certain direction. This awakens self-confidence, courage to complete the work in the right direction at the right time.

    The more difficult the goal, the more intense will be the efforts to achieve it.

    When we get success, we will feel happy and confident.

    When one goal is achieved, we are motivated to achieve other bigger goals, the fear decreases.

    Therefore, if big goals are to be achieved with confidence, then it would be good to divide big goals into small goals; Due to which, as small goals are achieved, we will get self-power and self-confidence to achieve further goals and we will achieve permanent success.

    Due to these we will inculcate a unique habit of working hard with determination and determination to achieve the goals; Which will open the way for our success.

    When our goals are accomplished, our positive emotions get strengthened, our abilities and confidence increase.

    Our success depends on our skill and planning to do our work. Goals give a sense of direction and discipline to complete these tasks.

    Goals give impetus to our actions and feelings, through goals we are able to concentrate our attention in one direction.

    Goals develop our sense of meaning and purpose.

    Tasks are successful when there is commitment with the goal.

Key Principles/Characteristics of Goal :

    1. All success depends on our dedication to work, efficiency and accurate management of time.

    If we just keep thinking and keep thinking of starting the work without any plan, then we can never be successful.

    If we take the right decision at the right time and start the work immediately and make a plan and make continuous efforts in a certain direction, then success will definitely come at a certain time.

    2. For success you have to focus on your goal. For this, you have to set definite goals first.

    If the goal is big, then to make it simple and effective, dividing it into smaller goals will be a big deal.

    3. The goal plan should be in writing and it should contain all the details in detail.

    When the goal is in writing, we move towards reality.

    Continuous efforts should be made towards achieving the goals within the stipulated time frame.

    4. After analysing the target from time to time, necessary improvements can also be made; This allows the target to be made more effective over time.

    5. Only one target should be selected at a time.

    Goals should be according to our ability, efficiency, skill and our interest.

    Set those goals; on which we want to work with our heart and in which we are interested.

    6. The goals should have answers to all our queries;

    For example, why should we do this work? ,
    What will be the benefits of this?
    How can we overcome the obstacles in the way?
    From whom can we take help? etc etc.

    7. Goals must be measurable; So that we can know and understand the speed of success of the goal.

    When we measure the progress of the work, it will give us the motivation to move forward and we can get the confidence to do better further.

    To measure progress, we should create a SCORE - CARD and set a deadline for each task.

    In this SCORE - CARD we should regularly write the actual progress in the form of marks and review and make positive changes in our efforts at the right time.

    8. The goal should have a time-limit.

    9. Goals should be clear and self-motivated.

    10. Goals can be of the following types according to work condition and time-frame:-

    1. Short term goals,
    2. Long Term Goals
    3. Personal Goals,
    4. Economic Goals,
    5. Physical goals, etc-etc

    11. The action plan should be clear and the plan should be divided into phases.

    Must follow the schedule with clear guidelines and discipline; Only then can we get great success.

Key Points / Tips in Goal Setting :

    1. Positive Thinking :


        We have to have full faith in our actions, goals and fill the emotions with positivity.

    Believe in the power of affirmation and think that you are achieving your goals, feel the joy that comes with achieving the goal.

    Adopt a successful personality with confidence and feel accordingly; This will bring positive changes in your thinking, self-confidence which will help you in reaching your goals.

This will awaken the will power and positive signs of the universe will automatically start attracting towards you, due to which we will be sure of success.

    When an idea is believed, the feelings prevail and become reality.

2. Accept Responsibility :

    Taking the responsibility of every failure, try to rectify the mistakes as soon as possible by thinking positively on the difficulties and weaknesses in it.

     This will give you an opportunity to learn new information and you will be successful in increasing your own skills by continuous effort, learning new things; Which will play an important role in your big success in future.

3. Consider the possibilities :

    The thing or action that we mostly think about and by doing which we feel spiritual-happiness and self-confidence; Books are our real goals.
    By making these our specific goal and working on it with determination and dedication, we can achieve a big victory.

    We should inculcate the habit of writing our goals in writing and evaluate the progress from time to time; only then success will be ensured.

4. Think Positive / Feel Positive :

    We should take our success and failures in a positive way about us.

    On being successful, do not make the mistake of considering yourself complete and start working on the new plan by being alert and by taking new information, get positive improvement in yourself, in the plan and method of working; With this, your goals will be achieved more easily.

    If you get any failure in the work, then accept the responsibility honestly on yourself and knowing the reasons for the failures, try them hard as soon as possible and convert them into success.

    This increases our self-confidence and strengthens the sense of responsibility towards the success of our work; Self-aggrandizement and negative feelings vanish. We are able to happily contemplate the plan ahead.

5. Build Your Future :

    We should know our own future goals and should be aware of them.

Whatever goals we are working towards in the present, only their successful results will create our future.

We should know that what we are doing at present, what will be its far-reaching consequences?

Identify your shortcomings, weaknesses and keep moving towards the goal by removing them.

6. Clarify your life values :

   Who are we ? ,

    What are our life goals? ,

    What are our beliefs about ourselves and our actions? ,

     What are your own principles? And

     We should know the value of our lives and actions.

    Set your main objectives and work on them with firm faith.

    Keep in mind the time limit and be determined to complete the objectives according to the plan. 

    Do not move on to another until one objective is fulfilled.

    This will have a positive effect on our will power and our concentration will increase.

    Our good habits will also develop by completing the objectives at the right time.

7. Review the target daily :

( 1 )

Make a TO-DO-LIST for the next day every night before you go to sleep.
List out a brief plan of action and indicate all the supporting materials to achieve them.

All the tasks in the TO-DO-LIST should be marked according to priority and with time-limit.

In the TO-DO-LIST, write the goals that are possible to accomplish within the time frame of the day. Goals should be based on reality.
( 2 )

Prepare a SCORE CARD (PROGRESS) to review the plan and target and write the progress in it in marks.

( 3 )

At the end write honest reviews about what we achieved and what we could not achieve. By this our mind will develop the habit of being disciplined towards work.
    Learn from those shortcomings from the review or improve by hard effort. Never take a small failure lightly and fix your weaknesses and difficulties as soon as possible; this will increase your skills and work experience which will help in the success of planning ahead.

    By considering the plan of the next day at night, our subconscious-mind will continue to work on the plan even after sleeping, the pleasant results of which we will get automatically on the second day and we will find ourselves disciplined, full of confidence.

8. Habits Make the Future :

1. Learn to live with purpose.

    The haste to get ahead of time can make us a laughing stock or in debt; If we get addicted to appearances.

The consequences of negative habits will be wrong. So, if we make a positive habit, then only we can become successful.

2. move in fear; Proceed with courage and determination.

Believe in yourself, work with concentration and enthusiasm.

3. Any progress is not accidental; It depends what you choose at the right time.
Success can only be achieved by taking quick decisions.

4. If we keep repeating good behaviours continuously with determination, then these will become our habits permanently.

With practice we can change habits. For this we have to make continuous efforts.

9. Goal Setting :

    Setting goals is the first task of an entrepreneur. This determines the direction of our work.

Goal setting has the following benefits:-

1. Provides assistance in decision making.

2. Goal setting determines the direction of action and our thoughts are clear.

3. Having fixed goals in life awakens the feeling of self-confidence in the mind.

4. Having fixed our goals, our thoughts start working in one direction, due to which our mind is concentrated.
We get rid of worry, fear, confusion.

Goal Success :

    Goals should be based on reality, then only we can get results.
Goals should be set keeping in mind the time and capacity.

    Goals should be clear and in writing and time should be divided into tasks according to the plan; only then we can be disciplined on the goal and our attention can be avoided.

    Goals will be successful only when we are determined to follow the plan of the goal with patience, fearlessly.

    We have to accept the obstacles in the middle of the work with a positive attitude and find solutions to the problems by continuously trying on them, then only we will be successful in the further goals.

    Success will come only at the right time, so do not be worried.

    We should be able to bear the bad days and never change our goals because of failures. If we try to remove the causes of failures with positive thinking then solutions will definitely be found.
For success one has to wait patiently for the right time.

    Stick to your predetermined goal. Do not pay attention to new tempting offers, then only you will be able to enjoy the real success of the goal. Otherwise you will neither live here nor in the new place. If you deviate from the goal, you can stand again from the beginning; So work on the goal itself and from time to time review and make new efforts and increase the speed of success of the goal.

We have to be honest and dedicated towards the task and the goal.



आपकी सफलता के बीच की मुख्य बाधा और कोई नहीं आप स्वयँ ही हैं !

आपकी सफलता के बीच की मुख्य बाधा और कोई नहीं आप स्वयँ ही हैं ! हाँ !! दोस्तों-- हमें ना तो कोई सफल या असफल बना सकता है, और ना ही हमें किसी ने...