Sunday, August 30, 2020




          Mindset has special importance in our life. 

    We know that our mind starts working according to the way we think. Our feelings of mind are determined by our way of thinking. You must have noticed that when we have an energetic speech If we listen, for a moment we also find ourselves full of enthusiasm and powerful thoughts start coming in our mind. 

The day we start a day with complete preparation, then on that day we automatically Find yourself happy and exhausted; But as soon as a task is not successful in our mind, we find ourselves tired and frustrated at times. All these show our mindset.

          From leadership to love mentality determines our every aspect. We work as hard as we can. We should have full confidence in our abilities; The business must tailor the work to the condition; Only then possible success can be achieved. 

Belief  has a lot of power, which has a great impact on our conscious and subconscious mind. Believe in yourself, nothing is impossible. If we, with positive thinking, persevere. - If we work hard with certainty, success will definitely be achieved at a certain time. We have to mould our personality, faith and perseverance according to the working condition.

                     Progressive Mindset 


   There are two ways of thinking - one is Positive / Growth / Progressive Mindset and the other is Negative / Fixed Mindset.

          In positive thinking, no action is impossible, if we have passion and faith - to do the hardest thing; And be obsessed - to fight hardships. 

Positive thinking people never trust fate; They believe that every task will be successful only when we work hard and can be made big by doing small tasks. 

They do not believe in innate intelligence. They believe that we can work on our strengths and Knowledge can be increased and all achievements can be achieved by learning. Character, intelligence and creative ability of Positive / Growth / Progressive Mindset grows according to work, as they do not panic and persevere. With hard work to achieve the task by earning knowledge with hard work and succeed. I am always ready to face every challenge with positive thinking. 

They consider failure as a new challenge with a new thinking. 
They open their doors of development and emphasize on new creation and efforts. They make positive efforts and positive thoughts with positive thinking and succeed. They believe that even though we have lesser qualities, Still we can achieve success through untiring effort and continuous learning These are the challenges, they face the problems with bravery and patience. Due to positive thinking, they do not read any effect of the criticisms; Never get upset seeing problems, they never get jealous of those who are with them, nor do they ever make any allegations against them. 

They give them success in the success of others and accept everyone's support in their success. Is that through hard work intelligence can be improved by development in personality. They mould themselves according to work. They know to be patient, hard work is their pre-determined goal; They never panic by learning.

            Whereas Negative / Fixed Mindset believes in innate intelligence and is afraid of losing and criticized, causing such people to be afraid to take risks and try to hide their shortcomings; As a result, most face defeat. The character, intelligence and creative ability of the Negative / Fixed Mindset is fixed, as they are afraid of losing and learning to maintain their image and doing little or little work. Their ego (ego) and fear dominate them.

          Therefore, if you want to be successful and enhance your personality, then think positively and live in a positive atmosphere, abandon the laziness. No success is impossible; If our intentions are firm and we make continuous efforts in the right direction, with the right information. Great effort will have to be made in doing big things, results will also get big. Quit making excuses.

          Recognize your abilities and characteristics, have a victorious personality. Always think that no action is impossible; If we try continuously, we will surely get success. Keep creative ideas and find new ways - to make the work easier. Find the reason of failure and start taking positive measures and efforts.

          Never depend on others, find your own way and keep your intentions . Stay away from negative thinking. Always meet positive thinking people and respect them. Never be afraid to take risks and try success with positive efforts. Remove Fear , face the fear with confidence. Stand out from the crowd, never copy anyone; Choose your path with creative thought. Don't make excuses and run away from your goal; Brave the problems bravely. Try your best before you give up and assess the situation; Surely some new way can be found.

         To achieve the goal, you have to work hard with dedication and strong will. Keep an open mind.

         Knowledge can be bought, just you should come to use it. Develop your imagination and have full confidence in yourself.

         Do not waste time looking for luck and opportunities, start the work as quickly as possible. Make the plan practical and complete. Co-ordinate with colleagues.

मानसिकता l सोचने का नजरिया l MINDSET

मानसिकता  ( सोचने का नजरिया ) [ MINDSET ]

   मानसिकता का हमारे जीवन में विशेष महत्व है I हम जानते हैं कि हम जैसा सोचते हैं हमारा मन उसी के अनुसार कार्य करने लग जाता है I  हमारे मन की भावनाएं हमारे सोचने के तरीके से निर्धारित होती हैं I आपने देखा होगा कि जब हम कोई ऊर्जावान भाषण सुनते हैं तो एक क्षण के लिए हम भी अपने को जोश से भरा पाते हैं और हमारे मन में भी शक्तिशाली विचार आने शुरू हो जाते हैं I जिस दिन हम किसी दिन की शुरुआत पूरी तैयारी के साथ करते हैं , तो उस दिन अपने आप ही हम अपने आप को खुश और थकावट-रहित पाते हैं ; पर जैसे ही कोई कार्य हमारे मनमुताबिक सफल नहीं होता है तो हम कई बार अपने को थका-थका और निराश पाते हैं  I  ये सभी हमारी मानसिकता को दिखते हैं I 

आपकी सफलता के बीच की मुख्य बाधा और कोई नहीं आप स्वयँ ही हैं !

आपकी सफलता के बीच की मुख्य बाधा और कोई नहीं आप स्वयँ ही हैं ! हाँ !! दोस्तों-- हमें ना तो कोई सफल या असफल बना सकता है, और ना ही हमें किसी ने...