
Showing posts from May, 2022

SECRETES OF SUCESS l TIPS OF SUCCESS l सफलता की कुंजी (ऊर्जा )

Secrets Of Success          You know that whenever you start any work, you are excited, your dreams are high; But as you proceed according to your plan, you may at times feel that your path is not as easy as you thought it would be.      The people you thought of that they will easily accept your words and you will easily go towards your success by cooperating with them; But when you analyze the reality, you find that you are not being as successful; as much as you thought.       So now it comes to mind that where are we doing mistake, where is our lack of preparation?     What are our shortcomings, due to which we are not finding it easy to succeed?     This is the time for SELF ANALYSIS.     "Without knowing the reason, without planning and without full knowledge, we always make our path more difficult.     Now what we have to do, so that we fulfill our dreams and success is with us. Its sol...

Tips Of Success l Success l POWER OF SELF CONFIDENCE

    Tips Of Success         We dream a lot in life and also work hard every day according to our ability to fulfill them; If I say like this, when everyone wakes up from a laborer to a rich man, none of them wants that "today we will not succeed and today we will not work hard".      Everyone starts work with a new freshness, new energy.  But the main problem is that "we start the day with full enthusiasm, but as time passes, the enthusiasm decreases and in its place, despair and negative thoughts drain our energy." Ever wondered why this happens ?      If you think, you will find that you did not believe in yourself that you can be successful.         "You had woven today's dreams into the trust of others, which caused your self-confidence to fall on your own when a little trouble came."     You do not have enough faith in yourself that you can think that these small failures are the fi...

सफलता l SUCCESS l सफलता के मूल मंत्र l Tips Of Success

    सफलता          हम जीवन में काफी सपने देखते हैं और उन्हें पूरा करने के लिए रोज अपनी सामर्थ्य के  अनुसार मेहनत भी करते हैं ; अगर में यूँ कहुँ तो एक मजदूर से लेकर एक अमीर आदमी सभी  जब उठते हैं तो इनमें से कोई भी ये नहीं चाहता कि "आज हम कामयाब नहीं होंगे और आज हम मेहनत नहीं करेंगे "। सभी एक  नई ताजगी ,नई  ऊर्जा  के साथ काम की शुरुआत करते हैं।            लेकिन मुख्य दिक्कत ये  है  कि "हम  दिन  की शुरुआत तो  पूरे  जोश  और  उत्साह  के साथ  करते  है  लेकिन  जैसे-जैसे  समय  बीतता  है  जोश  कम होता  जाता  है  और  उसकी  जगह  निराशा और  उलटे  विचार हमारी  ऊर्जा  ही  खत्म  कर देते हैं।"  कभी सोचा  है  ऐसा क्यों होता है ?           अगर  तुम  विचार  करोगे  तो  पाओगे  कि त...