Excessive thinking about a thing or event that does not exist, which we start worrying about and which shows no way out of it. 

These are the negative and fear-filled thinking of our mind; Which was never a problem and there is no scope to be. These are what we call over thinking.

        It is harmful to our bright future, success and health to keep thinking excessively about any negative things and get entangled in unwanted fear and resentment.

With this, we are not able to concentrate our mind in the right direction, worry and negative thoughts lead us to an unwanted fear and resentment.

Due to the fear of these negative thinking and wastefulness, we make the task difficult. We begin to experience frustration and frustration.

Due to excessive negative thinking, we have self-confidence, we have irritation in our mind and it can get hurt in our blood flow. It is a bad habit or addiction (HEVIT and ADICTION).

Excessive thinking will weaken our creative power.

       We can think of excessive thinking in such a way that in this habit we have such thoughts about the past events and mistakes or about imaginary problems in the future; As if they are happening now and all our annihilation is happening. We are sweating. But there is no way to get out. At this time we are explaining to ourselves that if I had done this then everything would have been good, why did I not do it? Now if this happens, I will do so etc.

      There is only one way to avoid this bad habit of excessive negative thinking - live in the present with positive thinking and keep distance from what has happened before and what will happen next as soon as possible.

We are wasting our time by remembering what has happened - we know this well. So with positive thinking; Think about your new plan and its success in the present. Imagine and think about the achievements to be achieved - what will be your next goals and dreams after all this?

      These are the things that will inspire you; Let you fulfil your goal. Never let your enthusiasm and self-confidence diminish.

      Always live in reality, keep positive thoughts about work. We should think about solutions and think about solutions to the upcoming problems and new modifications in our new plan, so that your success can be ensured and your dreams are fulfilled. So, we have to make the attitude of thinking positive. We have to keep our mind under control, so that we can avoid over-thinking.

In short, we should consider and implement the following things, so that we can avoid excessive negative thinking : --

1. Perform any goal according to a pre-determined plan and have complete confidence in your plan and yourself.

2. Use the time properly and keep yourself busy in positive work, this will not free your mind for negative thoughts.

3. Meditate on waking up every morning and before sleeping at night (Meditation), this will keep the mind calm and increase the confidence in the mind, positive emotions will be awakened. Keep positive thinking while meditating.

4. If you ever feel inferior or you feel anxious about something, then at this time, consider the reasons, which are affecting your feelings. Think of them from a positive perspective and go a little backwards and think about their present effects. But don't let it fall. Do not form an opinion without further consideration. Before making any opinion, do a complete analysis on the problem.

5. Our mind - the enemy inside will have to be controlled, so there will be no enemy outside.

6. To stay positive always read positive books, other positive information, consider it.

7. Live in the present. Do not waste time remembering the past mistakes done in the past, avoid thinking of possible future fears.

8. Make a definite goal in life and act with full confidence in it. Learn to take positive risks. Avoid talking negative things to yourself. As far as possible; Keep busy in positive work. You must do the work that you and your heart wants to do. Leave worrying about the waste, keep busy in positive work.

9. Learn to forgive others.

10. Do not depend on anyone, believe in yourself and think positively.

I look forward to your valuable suggestions and ideas. Please give me support to improve my efforts to give valuable knowledge among peoples.\

PLEASE EMAIL ME AT : sharmapra7@gmail.com


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