self respect ; The special achievement of everyone's life, or rather the importance of life, is associated with self-respect. Only the real identity of our personality can be realized by our self-respect.

      Self-respect means - how much respect you have in your eyes, how much you believe in yourself; These will define your self-esteem. Your self-esteem is your ability, character, personality, faith, respect. Your self-esteem, self-pride will show our moral character, perseverance towards our life goals.

      If we have to increase self-esteem; So we have to believe in ourselves, we have to take risks to achieve success; The greater the risk, the greater the risk, the greater the success. We have to have the power to bear the rejection.

     No matter how many obstacles come in the way of our success, we should not let our patience, confidence fall short. We have to keep faith in our abilities. We have to keep faith in our abilities, goals and plans; Only then our self esteem can remain. We never have to get into negative situations, we have to get out of the wrong situations as soon as possible.
     Never let down your self-esteem by compromising situations in desperation and fear. We have to respect our colleagues, help others as selflessly as possible, it will make you feel good, your self-esteem, respect for others Will also increase if there is no self-esteem; So we will feel lost, an atmosphere of sadness, anxiety, tension, anxiety and fear will be created. Work will deviate from its goal, self-confidence will fall, your personality will also fall.
     Self-esteem also affects their family circumstances due to family reasons. Our thinking, age, any major illness or physical deficiency also have an effect on self-esteem. What kind of work we are doing, it is also self- Respect has an effect.

When we lose self-esteem we experience shame, stress and restlessness.

For good self-esteem it is necessary to have the following things: -

1. Self-confidence.

2. Have the ability to say "no" where necessary, just by making someone happy; It is better to spoil our work, let us not say that this will keep our self-respect and trust.

3. Our attire and personality should be attractive.

4. Must have the ability to bear rejection. By accepting our shortcomings, make them your power and ensure the success of the work. This will increase self-esteem.

5. Talk to yourself and focus on your strengths and shortcomings. You should also thank and be excited for the successes of the tasks.

6. We must be self-dependent; Do not depend on others. We should not change our decisions and plans by going to the suggestions and words of others.

7. In every situation; Our self-esteem should remain the same even in success or failure. The amount of success should not have any effect on self-respect.

8. Your success should be determined by you, not by others to direct you. It has a great impact on your self-esteem and pride.

9. (i). We should live with a particular purpose.
    (ii). We should accept ourselves with our good and our shortcomings.
    (iii). We must come to fulfil our responsibilities, as well as protect our self-respect.
    (iv). We should concentrate on our work, also make good use of time. We should not spoil the time of others by becoming a silent person.

10. We should speak less, but listen more to others.

11. Under promise, under any circumstances.

      If we are serious about our self-esteem, self-respect, then consider the above and make them a habit of life. This will give you success as well as self-confidence and enthusiasm.   

I look forward to your valuable suggestions and ideas. Please give me support to improve my efforts to give valuable knowledge among peoples.



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