"The power of thoughts is very important in our lives, Due to positive thoughts , We can change our life goals in the right direction and can easily grow our mental power and confidence , which will results the success in examination."
" Never follow shortcut to find success.
Success in examination needs lot of practice with strict plan.
As you study better ,you can find better understanding about subject/topic.
Shortcut can give you small results , but they are only for short of time."
Our aims to score more marks in an exam , Strong willpower, Self-confidence of success should be great.
You have to move strongly according to the goal of the task. Divide your goal into several steps, keep working accordingly.
When you awake early in the morning and the time at night before bedtime ; you should definitely repeat your goal by concentrating the mind. At this time your subconscious mind is fully awake, so this time whatever thoughts or goals you will repeat again and again; It will accumulate in your subconscious mind and according to that your feelings and self-confidence will work.
These are the sentences; Those who repeat in the morning and night, they reach your subconscious mind, due to which new energy will be infused in you and you will be successful.
Only through meditation ; we can increase the power of the unconscious mind. This will increase will power, positive thinking; those who will help in success.
Our aims to score more marks in an exam , Strong willpower, Self-confidence of success should be great.
You have to move strongly according to the goal of the task. Divide your goal into several steps, keep working accordingly.
When you awake early in the morning and the time at night before bedtime ; you should definitely repeat your goal by concentrating the mind. At this time your subconscious mind is fully awake, so this time whatever thoughts or goals you will repeat again and again; It will accumulate in your subconscious mind and according to that your feelings and self-confidence will work.
You should have full confidence in achieving the goal and imagine that you are getting all the facilities that you are close to success. You have to trust That you are succeeding.
These are the sentences; Those who repeat in the morning and night, they reach your subconscious mind, due to which new energy will be infused in you and you will be successful.
Only through meditation ; we can increase the power of the unconscious mind. This will increase will power, positive thinking; those who will help in success.
To get more then 90% marks not a joke. To do that possible we need to prepare us strongly according to our big success needs. self discipline must to find target so easy way.
We can have big dreams in our life achievements.
We need to have a goal and first need to find out why we need to do for our goal. We need to know purpose to do hard work on our dream plan, that way we can find a passion in life. Stay focused on your target and do work accordingly.
Without to know purpose work hard not possible. That purpose will be motivate us to do work regular with patience. Without goal no any use our hard work.
Never find hopeless if you find difficulties during work. If we work in positive directions then sure we will find success at a fix time.
We need to do work only , never think about results. Better we analyse our work and change them according to our success needs.
Work with confidence and study regular according to your fix strict time table.
Have peace and patience , if you find any difficulties to understand topic and find hard to memories / remembering. If you try again and again , then sure we can find big success and can be overcome all difficulties.
Have patience and do work with confidence. Sure you can win !
1. Make a fix goal with strict plan.
Here our main goal is to get more then 90% marks in examination. To achieve that goal you must make fix plan or strategy to find goal of maximum marks in a fix time limits.
Make fix time table and follow that scheduled time table strictly. No any excuse remains if you need to do work regular with strict on plan or schedule. No need to find any break your plan schedule even any situation.
Make a proper time table and follow that strictly. No any excuse remains if you need to find discipline in your study habits and find balance between study or other activities. That will grow your will power / self esteems / confidence which can motivate you to find achievements.
As you follow your fix time table and routine plan as disciplined manner for both physically and mentally ; you find better changes in your mindset and concentration about study.
You need to control your desires and overcome emotions and be mentally strong through your journey of study.
2. Do start work suddenly on your fix plan , no waste time to wait favourable time to start.
Do complete today pending home work today. Never ignore home work for next day ; if we keep delaying it, that can be a lot of pending work which can't possible to finish easy way.
Remember " tomorrow means never."
3. Make habit to do writing practice on topic and revise regular as you study.
At the end of day it must you revise whole day learn topic before sleep , that can improve yours understanding about topic and can clear topic issues.
4. Better make habit to " early to bed and early to rise " , awake early make you much comfortable and that time we can learn some new about planned topic in short time of period. That will improve our confidence and concentration about subject.
5. Before attend class you must have some ideas and knowledge about the topic , that the teacher is going to teach you.
(i). Read the lesson at least once before attend class.
(ii). make some questions or quires , which you can discuss with teacher during lecture ; that can improve our understanding and confidence about topic.
5 (ii). Before start to study we must understand well better about syllabus and allocate more time for those topics , which have more marks.
6. Try to give equal importance to all subjects in schedule.
That must because our goal is big to score more then 90% ; so all subjects have impotency to us.
7. Better we follow text book , which write according to our syllabus pattern.
We have so less time to prepare for examination ; so never try to find much extra knowledge between study plan. That must to prepare us well better in less time schedule.
We need to real all words of topic in text book. That give you understanding about topic and you can find real knowledge.
Never run fast and hurry for solve questions. First real topic well then solve or understand examples then solve exercise questions.
Never use shortcut to learn topic , read long detailed text book to find good understanding.
Have creative attitude during learning and try to find tips/tricks to understand topic easy way and tricks to remember that topic. write short-notes which you read ; that improve your understanding & memory of subconscious mind.
8. Write short notes and try to give time to revise notes periodically to gain better understanding about topic and improve remembering/memory.
That will be more useful during last days of examination.
Make clear and effective notes of all subjects , that will be more useful to memories/remembering topic and also useful to prepare us before examination.
9. Take break between study and find refresh your mind and body.
This break must to stable our concentration and feel us refresh mind.
In break time you can do your any interested task to feel some betterment and release your stresses which find during study.
10. If you feel down and feel as some difficulties in subject , better have some break and try to have small meditation activities or try to relax mind.
Try to self motivate you and do positive affirmations about your success. Try to rest well for some short period of time to feel comfortable to again study. You can change subject for find some changes and find new confidence.
11. Stay focused during study time.
Stay away from all kinds of time wasting tools such as TV, Social media , Unwanted Mobile activities , Computer Games etc.
Better no waste time on gossips or ignore lazy type or time pass friends to if you serious about get big target of marks.
Only have honest positive minded friends who have positive mentality about study and can coordinate you to support in study or teaching activities.
That way you can fully concentrate you on deep study of topic and that time your sub conscious mind also active to gain power of remembering.
That way you can success to understand much more in less time interwall and can be find you comfortable to remember so better.
12. Stay away from any kinds of bad habits such like smoking , drinking etc. That will improve your will power to gain targets of the day.
13. Never have any kinds of fear for examinations and avoid overthinking about results.
You need to have attention on study only and dedication only on work hard with positive and progressive mindset.
If we work with plan then sure we can find positive results. No any impossible if we believe in our abilities/skills/knowledge.
Never underestimate you. Sure if you conscious then you will find better results.
Never compare your present with your past negative happenings or achievements. That can give you demotivation , which can destroy your success path.
Never be hopeless if you not understand some topic in one time ; try again and again until you not success. Better we have progressive mindset that time and try to learn much about respective topic and rectify our doubts.
Use U-Tube / social media / google search to find better information about topic then make notes on your way to find solutions.
Never waste time on social media sites as entertainment , use them as grow knowledge and learn positive.
Have concentrate on your study if you learn. Avoid to watch television / hear music and friends during study.
14. Meditation and exercise regular.
It will make you energetic , refresh mood and can be concentrate your mind energy.
Meditation can improve your health in many ways. that improve concentration of mind , relaxation and reduce stress and pain, lower blood pressure & improve memory.
Meditation improve gray matter in the brain. Gray matter contains neuron cell bodies ; that way improve short-term memory.
Exercise is important for overall physical and mental health.
15. Eat healthy food and use water if , you find laziness .
Eat less Added Sugar , If we eat much added sugar then we poor memories and lower brain volume; then if we consume less sugar . That affect our short-term memory. Less sugar consumption improves our health also.
Reduce oily or fast foods. cut down on refined carbohydrates : consuming large amounts of refined carbohydrates like cakes / rice / cookies / cereal and bread etc. may be damage our memory. These all grow sugar level that harmful for our memory.
16. Maintain a healthy weight that keep our body and mind in top condition.
17. Get enough sleep :
Lack of proper sleep reduce memory for quite some time. 6 to 7 hrs. sleep must to rest brain and body. Enough sleep improve short-term memories and at least improve long-lasting memories.
18. Vary your study routine occasionally.
Change your study routine and change location. That release your stress and give you comforts.
Try spending a few minutes each morning for reviewing the information you studied yesterday or for plan today study.
Try to give some time for yourself also. That way you can find you refresh and more energetic for study.
19. Chunking :
Break your task of topic in long list of numbers then learn them. That way you can improve memory and better understanding.
20. Have patience during study.
All success need time and hard work. Never be lazy during study.
Believe in your skills and be confident in your study methods. Be hope and believe as you can do all if you work positively. That way you can strong your will power and give positive energy to your brain also.
Never feel as you do much more struggle in study make study your passion and have interest in study.
21. Give rest of mind between study topic and analyse reading grow understanding and improve memory. That way we can store information in our subconscious mind.
22. Use visualization technique to understand better about topic. Pay attention on photographs / charts / other graphics in the text book.
23. Study at least 8 hrs a day regular in your class working days and 9 to 10 hrs at holidays.
24. Help others in their study.
That habit can be grow your knowledge / confidence and you can find extra knowledge or positive support from them.
25. Chose silent and cleaned space for your study.
Study space should be well organized and have enough space for text books/ notes etc ; and also there should we sufficient sun light / arrangement of light.
There not any kinds of distractions allowed and make sure that you can feel comfortable and able to focus mind for deep study.
1. Prepare your examination with strategy :
First study well your syllabus , then classify topics according to importance as examination pattern needs. Try to make charts for topic on marks basis and write sequence of study topic according to marks.
Write answers in steps that will sure increase your marks for steps. Give some short examples & figures etc. to explain your answers effective way.
If possible add introduction / main points / conclusion. A strong conclusion can attract the question paper checker that can be give you 100% marks for that.
To solve numerical problems ; all steps should be shown , Do not skip steps.
Make short notes and solve past years exam papers or can be solve sample papers. You can use any other guidance to find out important questions , which are maximum repeated in maximum exams , that can give you good understanding about questions and marks distribution in exam pattern.
That can give you understanding about important topics which are valuable to have attention much more and such topic on which we can have less attention for find full utilization of available time schedule. That can help you to divide time effective way as topic wise.
You can easily define about your weakness and can be improve you according to examination pattern.
Never feel you hopeless during solve papers and try to find out your weak areas and try to make them stronger by change your study topics strategy and prepare your learning according to exam pattern.
Always give answer according to question , never write outside of question , that way we can find attention of copy checker and also can save time for other questions.
Write detailed answer according to marks plan and use subheadings and figure if possible or needed.
2. ( i ). Write answers clearly and to the point according to question needs , don't write irrelevant information in answers. Write in full sentences as required.
(ii). In examination ; attempt that questions first , which you can answer well and have full knowledge or find you comfortable to answers.
Never answer hard questions before easy ; that can loose your confidence and can less your timings ; which can be utilize to solve easy one. That must because there in exam , we have limited fix time only. So , better we utilize time for get full marks first.
That strategy will improve your self confidence in exam hall and we can find ability to do better in rest of questions.
(iii). Never left any question to give answer , if you not know answer well.
Better you write all information as you know for answer that question. That way you can add some additional marks in your score.
3. Read text book carefully and never hurry to run fast in learning.
First understand topics step by step then move next paragraph of topic. That must to find good understanding and find confidence for topic.
Even read less but understand well .
Use minimum one good reference book according to syllabus pattern ; for find accuracy in topic / subject.
4. Revise your topics with fix scheduled time , that will improve your memory / remembering ability.
5. Have much attention on solve examples or text book questions to find understanding with questions pattern and about various types of questions and make sure about their solution methods.
That activity will give you improvements and confidence about solve questions.
6. Take a break after each sitting of study long time.
That must to relax mind and find refresh remembering for next study.
That will provide you balance between study and concentration.
7. Never over-write ; if you need to correct any mistakes in answer. Better you cross that wrong one and below that write correct answer.
That must to show your answer well better and look cleanness of answer paper.
8. If you have free time after answers all questions , then never go early from exam hall and use that free time to check all your questions. If any mistake you done during give answers ; you can correct them.
9. Presentation of answers should be attractive and well mannered.
Always give all information in details and step wise.
Write answers clean and left margin. Keep paper free from cuttings and overwriting and draw clean margins to do rough work.
10. Manage your time for give answers.
First read well better questions then answer all questions or sub-questions.
We need to conscious about time limits in examination , otherwise time shortage can be kill your marks.
11. Never discuss with other about performance of examination question after complete exam ; that can be affect your next exam if you know any negative about present question paper answers.
So better forget what you done in exam and have big hopes to score good marks.
12. Do not stay awake long time at night before exam day.
Have full sleep and hopes betterment about next exam.
That will help you in retention of information ; also help in remembering information. You can find confidence to do better for exam.
13. Never do start study if you have any other pending work otherwise you can find loose your concentration and can be find stress during study.
First finish your other work then start study.
14. Study regular until to start exam.
Never waste your valuable time in laziness and think as we can gain all in short time. No, only regularity can give you big success.
Your present hard work will sure give you a great test of score big marks which can be change your life as you dreams.
Follow logical approach to learn the topic . Make short notes for better understanding & find help in last days of examination.
Make a separate list of formulas and tips/hints to remember topic.
15. Be careful about your weak points.
Do hard work on your mistakes and weakness.
Try to convert your weakness into your stronger strength one.
No any impossible if you needs seriously and do work positively.
16. Practicing from sample papers or previous years question papers.
Previous year papers are important for practice because they will -
(i). Let us know the difficulty level of questions.
(ii). That give us knowledge about repeating questions that can be useful for improve marks.
(iii). Helps to figure out our true level of securing marks.
I hope above guidelines will motivate you to find your big success in examinations.
(A). Educational :
(B). Motivational :
I need your valuable suggestions or comments. I hope you will find success.
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