FEAR l There is victory over fear I SPECIAL TIPS

Victory is beyond fear ! 

" Our fear is the result of excessive negative thinking in our mind.

 Sometimes blindly believe in yourself and your abilities and try to start the work with full dedication, courage will come automatically."

        Until we do not face the fear, everything starts feeling scary, so it is good to face the fear once and see that the fear will subside by itself. 
If we run from that low without facing the fear, then we will have the pain of not doing the work for the rest of our life which will affect the success of the next task as well; That is why it is good to face the fear with courage and understanding and achieve success.

    If you review the cause of fear, you will also find ways to get out of fear, work on them and make sure your victory.

    Water scares us until we get into the water, so take a look after getting into the water.

  Whenever we want to get from one job to another, then we start getting scared of going to the job we have accumulated. "Was this a job when we were studying? Did we succeed in this job on day one? No, right? We had to face a lot of initial problems and we had to work hard too." Why should we be afraid of a new job? If we make full efforts with full courage / confidence, then we will definitely get progress in the new job.

    Many times we afraid to do new work or business due to fear of imaginary problems and our shortcomings, this is not right. It better to give up the idea of ​​​​the business out of fear, try it, even if you start from a small level and even if you start with the old work, but definitely start. 
As we move forward, we will be able to face the coming problems with full skill, we will get an understanding of the problems that are coming. 
So never be afraid to start the work and complete the task as soon as possible.

 Begin according to the plan with the utmost care; Work will teach you everything.
No one is born capable, it is our actions that increase our understanding and ability.
If you are afraid of the crowd, then face the crowd and see, your fear will automatically go away.
    While taking risks, keep your emotions under control, find ways to increase the chances of success, keep learning new things according to the work, you will definitely get success.

  Our mind prevents us from doing something new or doing risky work, it makes us realize that "we cannot succeed and if we fail, we may have to lose all our present accumulated work."

    Our mind is lazy and the mind is more attracted towards easy success, if we are not able to control it, then the mind can never give us the right direction.

  If the mind stops us from doing risky work and tells us that we cannot be successful, makes us realize that we should not try anything new, then at such a time we should consider rational self-analysis and logically all present and future situation. Rational decisions should be taken by doing, and decisions should never be taken under the influence of feelings and fear.

    It would be good if we believe in ourselves blindly and adopt positive thinking.
If we think carefully, after assessing our abilities and work hard on the right decision with unshakable faith, then there is no reason why we should not get good results at the right time.
    Develop mentally strong, have complete control over emotions ; Whatever decision you take, take it very carefully. Find a way to solve any problem without worrying about it knowing the cause of the problem and work towards eliminating that cause, both the problem and the fear will go away.

    Fear depends on the state of mind, fear depends on our confidence and thinking.
As we think, we will get.

Our hurry to get success and excessive hope also increases fear, so it would be better if we live in reality and try continuously while waiting for the right time with patience, good results will be achieved at the right time.

  The feelings and thoughts of our mind only make us fearless/savvy or weak. We have to believe in ourselves completely, if we do not believe in ourselves then how can others trust us.

    If you want to go high on the ladder of success, then you have to learn to fall, you have to fall and try again. Frustration can stop your steps, it must be denied.

If you want to achieve great success in life, you have to take risks. We cannot move forward without taking risks.

    The bigger the risk we take, the greater the achievement/success we will get; Then why should we live in fear and waste time in despair?
Take risk wisely and act with plan. Our goals and decisions should never be affected by any negative suggestions, questions; Always listen to your heart, never let anything else affect your goal.

    No human is born special, we all have the same characteristics; But our special work, hard work, way of thinking and behaving can make us special from others and can give special recognition.

  Thinking should be positive and in line with action. We will achieve goals and motivations as we think. 
So first enlarge your thinking, your real goals will automatically be start appearing.

    Never waste time just thinking; Think and stick to your goal with a plan, in this way you will automatically move towards success.

Why should we spoil our present by thinking of past failures, troubles. Remembering the past will only waste time; Worries and disappointments will only increase, so it would be better if we try to make our present developed and successful. 
If the efforts of the present are positive, then the future will automatically be good.

Key factors of success:-

1. If we want to achieve real lasting success in life by controlling fear, then fearlessness, self-confidence, self-control of self is necessary.

2. Positive thinking of mind:

    Positive thinking of mind directly affects our success.

If we will think highly negative about any task ( OVER - THINKING ) then our subconscious mind will also create the same reactionary feeling, which will create feelings of despair and fear in us and we start because of fear at the very beginning of the task. You can be afraid to do it.

    Therefore, it would be good that we look at the positive side of everything and if negative thoughts come, then analyse them thoroughly and solve them in a positive way. So change the thinking of the mind, everything will start getting better.
    “We have to change the way we think; if we are troubled by negative thinking or our behaviour is like irritable/frustrated and we are constantly feeling fear and despair.”

    Everything we see or think goes directly to our brain. Our brain starts responding to these information according to the information and our way of thinking. Their influence has a profound effect on the way we behave, feel, think and experience.

    Thinking positive and good gives us a feeling of self-confidence, enthusiasm, joy and we find us energetic and confident towards situations/work and we do not feel tired or afraid in doing the work; Sometimes we get so engrossed in this situations that we feel connected with our work and are happy.
On the contrary, if our thinking is more negative or doubtful about work or situations, then we start feeling fear, despair and restlessness and due to these negative thinking again and again, we become more afraid and restless/depressed and we start experiencing depression. 
This situation becomes a hindrance in our path of success and we start feeling tired and distracted in working and it becomes difficult to keep us steady in work.

    Therefore, the only solution is to think about every event / behaviour of others / thoughts of others and their reactions and behaviour etc. with positive thinking and do not unknowingly or unknowingly go under the shadow of any negative thoughts and fears.

Every event has two sides - positive and negative; Therefore, before making any assumptions, consider their positive aspects. This will clear most of your confusions and doubts and you will feel good about yourself.

    It is we who can free ourselves from the web of illusions and doubts. So listen to your heart and think carefully before making any decision or assumption. With this your fear will never overpower you and you can keep yourself happy and fearless.
    To work continuously in any work without getting tired and frustrated, strong will power is required and loyalty to the work is also necessary.

3. Failure:

     Don't be afraid of failure. Failure is also necessary to move forward.

Failure gives us the understanding to try and learn something new, from which we learn to do things in a new way by fighting with tasks and situations and learning something new. Failure creates opportunity, it gives us a chance to learn.

4. Take the risk and give courage / encouragement :

    Make a logical calculation of the risk and take the risk which suits our ability and circumstances and start working with full dedication.
    Learn by taking risks. Work on our weaknesses, and with hard work, make your weaknesses your strength.

    No task is impossible, if we make continuous efforts with understanding.

    Never be afraid to take healthy, well thought out risks. We have to take risks if we want to move forward; But before taking a risk, positive action and positive planning must be done on it; This is how we can convert risk into victory.

    We have to keep our emotions under control during the risk so that the mind does not get distracted.

5. Focus on the Goal:

Focus on the goal, work hard. As success comes to us; Problems will automatically start to seem minor.

Bad times make us stronger if we continue to grow with positive thinking.

Just keep working on the task according to the plan, success will come with time.

6. Meditation:

    The entire control of our body is under the control of the mind. The mind is controlled by the mind; This is where all control messages go to the entire system.

      Meditation is the best way to clear the mind.

    Meditation also has a positive effect on our subconscious mind, with the combined effect of which we can achieve many amazing solutions using positive-speaking (AFFIRMATION).

    Through meditation an energy cycle is created around the body; In which by the use of the world-power created, all the diseases, defects of the body are removed, there is a feeling of new enthusiasm, new energy, consciousness, enthusiasm in the body. 
We get wisdom and knowledge.

    Meditation changes the physical and mental state of the brain. Meditation increases the size of the positive part of the brain and decreases the size of the negative part. This has the effect of making us feel more excited, focused.
    It increases self-confidence, ability to think. As a result of which the anxiety and fear of our mind decreases.

    So ; do meditation regularly and whenever bad thoughts or feelings of fear come in your mind; Sit quietly for a few moments and practice meditation; This will increase your ability to think positively and you will find positive solutions.

    Our mind is very powerful if we give it a chance to think calmly with positive thinking. Therefore, by adopting meditation, we can fill our fearful and depressed life with happiness.

Special Features :-

1. Take success and failure equally. Never sit down in despair when you fail, and after considering the reason for failure, try it in a positive direction and keep trying continuously, success will definitely come.

Never consider yourself complete when you are successful, otherwise your further progress may be blocked. On being successful, work towards increasing the work further and keep moving forward continuously by learning something new and with a special plan.

2. The real happiness of life does not come from money but from the great success that comes after the struggle.

When we achieve great achievements on the strength of hard work without any outside help and support, then we get real happiness of life.

No matter how much difficulty comes, never give up on yourself. Analyse the difficulty, find the cause and find a way out of the difficulty and get back to work with full courage / confidence. 

    If the direction and plan of your work will be good, then you will definitely achieve great success by facing difficulties.

    Keep trying with patience and peace , you will definitely get success in due time.

3. No work is impossible if we think positively in the right direction on the work, with faith in ourselves, work continuously with dedication.

    Whenever you find troubles big, you look at those below you and the poor, they are all suffering more troubles than you; yet they are happier than you - because they have limited their needs according to their capabilities, they Wasteful spending has been reduced. They are also succeeding, but they know how to be patient.

    So be patient and give time for success. Success will definitely come at the right time. One has to wait for the right time and work hard.

4. Why do we create unwanted fear by comparing our success and effort with the success and effort of others? Everyone has a different way of thinking and working; So focus on your goal, stop watching and listening to others.

    Keep working patiently with consistency, with complete confidence in yourself and your plan. As you will get success, so will your dedication and fearlessness towards work.

    Yes ! You should be ready to learn new things and work harder to eliminate the difficulties, failures that come in between. Success is never achieved without hard work and dedication, so leave your laziness and engage in work with full heart, all your fear of failure will automatically go away - when you will see the results of your hard work.

    Your failures and difficulties will motivate you to learn something new, to work; Embrace that and try more by learning new ones.

     Make good use of your time and spend your time striving for success.

5. Set life priorities and goals. 

    We can never concentrate our mind without goal and purpose.

     We have to be self-motivated towards our goal and to achieve our goal, we will have to work tirelessly and hard work with determination; Only then will we get the real joy of life.

6. "The losers of the mind are the defeats, the victories are won by the mind!"

        We can conquer fear only by having courage. The real success of life comes only on the strength of our courage, no matter how bad the circumstances.

    Fear brings despair, so to eliminate fear, try to find the cause of fear with courage and try to remove it.

    Never keep friendship with unwanted and dull / hopeless people; Always make friends with people who have high thoughts and who are self-respecting and confident.

    "To give encouragement to the scared, we can say that - nothing will happen, don't worry, we are with you, etc. things can give encouragement."

Keep away from people who are not selfish and can give nothing but courage and encouragement at the time, keep away from those who are only interested in wasting time and do the work of breaking our spirits with depressing things.

It is better to go alone than foolish friends.

    With the right advice and direction, fear can be overcome. Do all that we can, what we ought to do in difficult times; This is the greatest courage.

    With the strength of courage, we can face the most difficult situations. "It is called courage to take the necessary steps despite knowing the risky situations."

    Do not pay attention to sad things all the time, never let fear dominate you or others. Just find the cause of fear and with confidence try to eliminate the cause of fear.

Worrying will not complete the work, we have to work in a positive direction.














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