“Self-control is the ability to control (conquer) emotions, thoughts, behaviour, anger, pride by controlling one's mind in the face of temptations and impulses.

In this way we can mould and control our emotions, behaviour and reactions according to our goal, situation and environment.”

    Self-control is the ability to protect ourselves from temptations and impulses by controlling and controlling our feelings, thoughts and reactions, behaviour according to our goals.

    Focusing our desires towards the goal and being disciplined in doing things, actions is the main factor of self-control.

    Keeping the impulse of thoughts towards the same goal and not coming under the control of emotions is the first step to success.

    Through self-control, we acquire the ability to resist against unwanted behaviour, desires or urges.

Through self-control, we can overcome our own thoughts, reactions, and tendencies like anger, jealousy, etc. This will positively increase our spiritual power and self-confidence.

    By self-control we can avoid bad thoughts, bad habits, anger. Such as intoxication, misconduct, misconduct, eating harmful junk-food, crime etc. can be avoided by bad tendencies. In this way we can avoid turning to evil and from causing great destruction.
These good habits will prove helpful in increasing our health and our respect in the future. In this way we will also gain the ability to live a stress-free life happily.

    Self-regulation is also essential in self-control.

Self-regulation is the ability to follow what you are thinking, feeling, what gets you closer to your goals.

    Self-discipline can come only by setting goals. One has to make a habit of completing the plan with firm discipline, then only self-restraint can come.
If we adopt initial greedy pleasures and small goals and waste time only in fun, friendship, aimless tasks etc., then how can big goals be achieved?

    To gain self-control, by sacrificing momentary pleasures, unnecessary pleasures, etc., positive actions that give delayed results (such as increasing knowledge, working hard, giving up laziness, etc.) One has to make a habit of doing it and at the same time, bad habits, addiction also have to be given up.
Efforts will also have to be made to remove one's own weaknesses by abandoning the ego.

    To increase knowledge and skills with true dedication by identifying oneself, one has to learn from constant situations with a positive attitude, move forward with progressive thinking.

Behaviour, perceptions have to be re-evaluated and moulded according to the circumstances and environment.

Self control (self restraint) :   


      Unless we understand and control the fickle and evil thoughts of our mind, it will be difficult to have self-control. 
So self-control can come only by understanding the mind. It is necessary to control the mind.

    The human brain is special from other creatures because the human brain has an infinite capacity to think, understand and change itself. Human beings have limitless mental characteristics. Man can use his intelligence according to his work and thinking and can bring the quality of stability.

Human beings can self-centre their intelligence and working abilities towards the goal. They have amazing ability of self-control.

    We can progress only by self-control.

    As mentioned above - Self-control means to control oneself and mould oneself according to action and to bring and control one's thoughts in a positive direction.

    Only by controlling the mind can we concentrate towards our goal.

    Moving thoughts, changes in thoughts or conflict is the mind. Unless the thoughts are stable, we cannot move forward in a positive direction on a goal. 
Therefore, controlling the mind is also self-control.

    Mind control is not easy. 
It requires patience as well as practice. 
This requires self-restraint. The restlessness of the mind is the biggest obstacle in the progress of man. 
Only by stabilizing the mind can we achieve our goal.

Self-control is the first step to success. No matter what the situation may come, we should move towards the goal patiently with patience.

Never go from one thought to another and pursue the same goal with restraint, only then progress can be achieved.

You will never be able to pursue a goal if you lose self-control after being frightened by the initial difficulties.

    We should come to control anger, worry, hatred, fear; At the same time, over-confidence, excessive thinking should also be controlled - only then we can move forward towards progress by being self-controlled.

Anger, excessive negative thinking have a bad effect on our personality and body. Anger is the main factor of mental weakness. In anger, we lose control of ourselves many times and become irrational and do such evil deeds, for which we have to repent for the rest of our life. Therefore, we should think positively on them and solve every problem patiently.

    Worrying, self-pity or anger can never solve the problem; On the contrary, we only do physical and mental loss of our time.

     Be calm in debate. Do not take any decision in haste out of anger or anger.

Keeping silence during anger or turning away from the cause of anger can save us from passion. Arguments should be avoided at such times.

Work requires consistency and patience :   

  • patience

    It is never right to do any work in a hurry, it can lead us to get confused. Raw knowledge can never give us permanent success.

    Whenever you start any work; First gather all the information about it, think about it. After that make an action plan, then go ahead.

Thus we can achieve the desired result in the work with fearlessness with confidence. We can move forward on our goal with self-confidence, non-stop.

Due to prior planning, we will be aware of the problems that may arise in advance and can also take timely measures.

We can do all these things only by controlling ourselves.

    We have to learn to control ourselves.
    The time spent in the beginning will pave the way for progress later on.
    Sometimes we lose our composure and end up doing something, the consequences of which give us self-aggrandizement throughout life; Therefore, never get discouraged, incontinent in any situation, find ways to get out of bad situation with positive thinking and plan on these measures with patience - success can be achieved only at the right time.

With patience, we can achieve a lot of success.

Special :

    We can conquer the mind only by having self-restraint. Only by conquering the mind can we attain real progress with patience, self-confidence.

    We must come to have complete control over ourselves. Concentrate thoughts and feelings on the goal and do not deviate from the goal; This is the secret of progress.

    Through self-control, self-restraint, we can move forward towards our goal in every difficulties and adversity; This will help in mental balance.

    All our abilities, skills can work only when we use them with self-restraint, fearlessness and firmness towards our goal.
If we cannot stick to the goal, then all our strength and abilities may be in vain.

    Unless you can concentrate your thoughts (mind) you cannot be successful either. Therefore, success can be ensured only by working diligently.

    Laziness, fear can be conquered by controlling your mind. Come under the control of the mind, do not postpone today's work for tomorrow, start the work with an action plan; Only then will success be assured.

    We can achieve victory only by controlling our feelings and desires.

    Control the mind, focus the mind on the goal, do not let the mind wander.
Do not get distracted even in adverse circumstances; Keep trying continuously by coming out with positive solutions with positive thinking. In this way, success will definitely be achieved within a certain time frame.

    These positive qualities of yours will bring you real success.

    "The basic mantra of success is self-control, controlling the thoughts of the mind. By adopting them, every work can be possible."

Have confidence in yourself and keep moving on the path of progress.


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