we can bring more marks in the exam! (Successful use of subconscious mind and meditation power)
we can bring more marks in the exam! (Successful use of subconscious mind and meditation power)
The power of thoughts is very important in our lives, Due to positive thoughts , You can change your children's life goals in the right direction and can easily grow them mental power and confidence . which will results the success in examination.
Our aims to score more marks in an exam , Strong willpower, self-confidence of success should be great.
You have to move strongly according to the goal of the task. Divide your goal into several steps, keep working accordingly.
When you awake early in the morning and the time at night before bedtime ; you should definitely repeat your goal by concentrating the mind. At this time your subconscious mind is fully awake, so this time whatever thoughts or goals you will repeat again and again; It will accumulate in your subconscious mind and according to that your feelings and self-confidence will work. You should have full confidence in achieving the goal and imagine that you are getting all the facilities that you are close to success. You have to trust That you are succeeding.
These are the sentences; Those who repeat in the morning and night, they reach your subconscious mind, due to which new energy will be infused in you and you will be successful.
Only through meditation ; we can increase the power of the unconscious mind. This will increase will power, positive thinking; those who will help in success.
Our aims to score more marks in an exam , Strong willpower, self-confidence of success should be great.
You have to move strongly according to the goal of the task. Divide your goal into several steps, keep working accordingly.
When you awake early in the morning and the time at night before bedtime ; you should definitely repeat your goal by concentrating the mind. At this time your subconscious mind is fully awake, so this time whatever thoughts or goals you will repeat again and again; It will accumulate in your subconscious mind and according to that your feelings and self-confidence will work. You should have full confidence in achieving the goal and imagine that you are getting all the facilities that you are close to success. You have to trust That you are succeeding.
These are the sentences; Those who repeat in the morning and night, they reach your subconscious mind, due to which new energy will be infused in you and you will be successful.
Only through meditation ; we can increase the power of the unconscious mind. This will increase will power, positive thinking; those who will help in success.
1. Study need regular practice with patience. Need we focus or concentrate out mind in topic / subject during study.
2. Use visualization technique to understand better about topic. Pay attention on photographs / charts / other graphics in the text book.
3. Give rest of mind between study topic and analyze reading grow understanding and improve memory. That way we can store information in our subconscious mind.
4. Never use shortcut to learn topic , read long book to find good understanding.
Have creative attitude during learning and try to find tips/tricks to understand topic easy way and tricks to remember that topic. write short-notes which you read ; that improve your understanding & memory of subconscious mind.
5. Never be hopeless if you not understand some topic in one time ; try again and again until you not success. Better we have progressive mindset that time and try to learn much about respective topic and rectify our doubts. Use U-Tube / social media / google search to find better information about topic then make notes on your way to find solutions.
Never waste time on social media sites as entertainment , use them as grow knowledge and learn positive.
Have concentrate on your study if you learn. Avoid to watch television / hear music and friends during study.
6. Meditation :--
Make habit to do meditation( https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/2405017288806471275/4097097011700116303 ) regular. Meditation can improve your health in many ways. that improve concentration of mind , relaxation and reduce stress and pain, lower blood pressure & improve memory.
Meditation improve gray matter in the brain. Gray matter contains neuron cell bodies ; that way improve short-term memory.
7. Have patience during study. All success need time and hard work. Never be lazy during study. Believe in your skills and be confident in your study methods. Be hope and believe as you can do all if you work positively. That way you can strong your will power and give positive energy to your brain also.
Never feel as you do much more struggle in study make study your passion and have interest in study.
8. Eat less Added Sugar :--
If we eat much added sugar then we poor memories and lower brain volume; then if we consume less sugar . That affect our short-term memory. Less sugar consumption improves our health also.
9. Maintain a healthy weight that keep our body and mind in top condition.
10. Get enough sleep :--
Lack of proper sleep reduce memory for quite some time. 6 to 7 hrs. sleep must to rest brain and body. Enough sleep improve short-term memories and atleast improve long-lasting memories.
11. Reduce oily or fast foods. cut down on refined carbohydrates :--
consuming large amounts of refined carbohydrates like cakes / rice / cookies / cereal and bread etc. may be damage our memory. These all grow sugar level that harmful for our memory.
12. Vitamin - D must for our health and memory ; so better stay in open space / sun light space. That improve Vitamin-D level.
13. Exercise is important for overall physical and mental health.
14. Vary your study routine occasionally :--
Change your study routine and change location. That release your stress and give you comforts.
Try spending a few minutes each morning for reviewing the information you studied yesterday or for plan today study. Try to give some time for yourself also. That way you can find you refresh and more energetic for study.
15. Chunking :--
Break your task of topic in long list of numbers then learn them. That way you can improve memory and better understanding.
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