"Humanity, kindness, respect towards human beings come naturally and follow them is called humanity.

    The basic religion of human life is to maintain love, peace in the world and treat the whole world and society like a family. It should be our duty to give the same kind of respect, behaviour to others as we want for us; This should be the basic aim of our life."

    The basic reason for the peace, happiness and prosperity of our life is to have positive thoughts by being virtuous and virtuous. We can achieve happiness, peace in life only when we respect everyone, respect the feelings of others.

    If we are not able to do good to anyone, then we do not even have the right to insult them in any way.

    As human beings, we should share in each other's happiness and sorrow.

      No matter how rich, powerful we become, but we can get real happiness, respect, power, respect from the heart, received from others, only by the best wishes given by them. Only this can give us the real happiness of life.

        The real happiness of life can come only in happiness and peace. Even if we want everyone by force - we can't make them ours; They will adopt us by the heart only when we understand their compulsions, help them on their needs, give them the right opinion, respect them; Only then will they consider us a part of the society, family from the heart.

       Morality is important in life. Ethical life, ethical behaviour can increase our self-confidence. We should adopt high ideals.

    If we are human then we should stay away from pride. Pride always destroys ideals and human values. So be ideal, not arrogant. This quality will increase our self-confidence and we will be able to achieve some big achievements in society, country, world.

    We can never rule the hearts of people on the strength of money, on the strength of power. We should keep the feelings of love, kindness, forgiveness, tolerance, truthfulness in our behaviour, thoughts, then only we can adopt humanity.

    We should respect the feelings of the people by abandoning pride, should increase the tendency to take everyone along with the prudent.

Keeping humanity in mind, we should also give a chance to the poor to move forward. We should help others in sorrow and adversity.

Basic motives and factors of humanity :

    Humanity is another form of love and brotherhood, only through humanity we can walk on the path of development together.

    Sometimes we forget humanity out of selfish pride. We start seeing and dealing with people according to caste-religion, sect, place etc.; This is against humanity. Due to this, the feelings of hatred arise due to the decrease in respect, love, kindness towards human beings, as a result, we start separating from each other. Its bad effect falls on the unity of our society, country and the world.

    It is inhumane to humiliate someone, to deal with atrocities and cruelty; We should stay away from them and inspire others to do the same.

    We should also look into the interest of everyone before taking any decision. 
Be self-reliant but do such work by being prudent, so that no one else gets hurt.

    Living together with everyone, helping in calamity is the real humanity.

    We should consider human interest as paramount.

    "If we can bring happiness to the life of the downtrodden by helping them, bringing smiles on their faces; that will be our true humanity."

    If we help others then we can get real happiness and mental peace of life. With this we can have a stress-free life.

    Mutual estrangement, enmity etc. will only give stress to us and others; Most of our progress will be blocked.

    We all came in the same creation, but gradually on the strength of personal and territorial power, man gradually occupied the land, wealth provided by nature and separated man from man. Man separated man in different boundaries.

    The feeling of entitlement started growing everywhere and powerful people went on subduing the poor, weak class on the strength of money and power.
They started exploiting human beings on the basis of money.
Due to all this, immorality, corruption, atrocities kept increasing.

    They took our mental advantage for their influence and divided us into different religions and sects to divide us.

    That was the time; When we went on forgetting humanity and our belief/ideology kept getting divided on the basis of caste, religion, economic condition.
As a result, inequalities increased. Due to this the struggle of man with man increased.

Fundamentals of humanity

1. Sensitivity :

    Human beings need to be sensitive. Without senses we are not worthy to be called human.

    We should be grieved by the suffering of others and with compassion, we should help the sad and helpless diligently; Only then humanity will develop and we can build a happy world.

    When we human beings are born from the same nature then why should we keep hatred on the basis of caste, religion and place and ignore unity and brotherhood by being isolated in the world.

    If we all adopt the spirit of one-vote, one-human religion, then happiness and prosperity in the world will not be an impossible task. This is possible. 
After this war and terrorism can automatically end; Which is especially needed today.

2. Social evils / traditions :

    Social evils also contributed to the inhuman acts of tying and tying human beings in bondage. Many types of social evils bring shame to humanity.

    Even today, we do not give the respect and status to women that should be given; 
We tend to have male-dominated negative thinking. 

    We should treat equality and give equal status to men and women.

    We should oppose the negative thinking and traditions towards women like dowry system, child marriage, molestation, prostitution like mentality.

    We have to eradicate gender discrimination, only then the protection of humanity will be ensured.

We have to take positive measures to prevent division of society on the basis of gender, caste, creed and economic status.

3. Cruelty on the basis of caste-religion-community and place-specific :

    Today we can see humanity being broken and distorted. Today in the name of religion, caste and place-specific, in many places politics is happening all around in the name of apartheid. 

Many wars and bloodshed are only the result of this abominable thinking, where we do not consider everyone as one and by giving birth to negativity, we try to divide the country, the world on the basis of caste, religion and become victims of dirty politics. They are not even afraid of taking their lives.

    Terrorism is also flourishing due to the dirty thinking of communal-discrimination. We can see lakhs of people becoming homeless and innocent children and women becoming orphans and helpless. Such a disgusting demon is weakening the country, the world.

Summary :

    We should be idealistic, should not come under the control of lust, anger, attachment, greed; Because their increase will prove fatal in our humanity and world-culture.

    We should not win anything with anger, but with love. We can become great only through the spirit of mercy, forgiveness.

    So it is clear from the above things that all the religions, castes were created by our old people to divide us from each other selfishly and our simple and helpless ancestors got trapped in this group due to compulsion; Which later became our actual belief/tradition and also our purpose.

        The result of these is that today most of the fights, wars and anti-social destructive activities are happening on the basis of land, religion.

    We forgot the reality of one God in the world and went on believing in different types of Gods and sects.

    Now the time has come that we should try to remove inequality by adopting the spirit of equality, then only human-dharma will be established again; Where we can all become human beings of the same nature. 

This can again awaken feelings of love, cooperation and positivity in the whole world; Which is the basic mantra of humanity.

    Money cannot have anything to do with religion. Collection, exploitation is against human religion.

    If we move beyond the old orthodox thinking and change the greedy system by using discretion, then the person will be completely changed and the feelings of brotherhood, fearlessness, self-respect will be awakened all around.

    If man changes then life will change at all social, economic levels. For this, we have to think about mind-religion with positive thinking ahead of negative thinking like religion-caste-place etc. For this, gradually the self-confidence will have to be awakened in the helpless, weaker section; Their problems have to be removed through humanity, compassion, love.

    It is only through all these efforts that we can be united and united.

    If humanity develops, then the development of the country and the world is also assured.



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