"Motivation is a special process of excitement and readiness arising within a person to achieve a goal, by which a person is ready to act for the fulfilment of a particular goal (object)."
Motivation is a natural action, which comes within the individual itself.
Motivation is the power that can lead even a unsuccessful person to success. Motivation gives speed to the actions of a person, it is an inner power; what motivates us to work
Motivation is the power that can lead even a unsuccessful person to success. Motivation gives speed to the actions of a person, it is an inner power; what motivates us to work
Motivation gives us the desire and curiosity to work. This gives us the power to make efforts in a positive direction.
Motivation compels us to do a particular behaviour or action.
Positive motivation increases a person's self-confidence; which is important in the success of the work.
A person's motivation depends on his abilities, self-confidence, work efficiency.
Our thoughts and thoughts will be like; We will get the same type of motivation. We can get positive motivation by adopting a positive attitude and keeping a positive attitude towards our own thinking and work; Which will help us to get great success.
We live with our thoughts.
As the thoughts we have, our needs, goals are created in the same way. We dream with the power of our thoughts and are inspired by the surrounding environment and community/individuals or events; As a result of all this, we get special kinds of inspirations.
Our subconscious mind gives birth to the same type of thinking as we think, and we get inspiration towards our goal in the same way.
Positive thinking increases confidence, which inspires us to do the work with dedication.
We keep getting some inspiration from our family, society, external events and external things like phone, television, newspaper, work place etc., which affect our passion, thinking, behaviour, routine etc.
1. Sources of Inspiration:
Motivation to a person comes from the analysis of experiences, knowing the actions of people, knowing the working style and biographies of specific people, small events around us or the efforts made to fulfil our needs.
Many times we also take inspiration from our mistakes and by bringing changes in ourselves and in the way we do our work, we eliminate that mistake forever.
Our problems also motivate us to go further and do something special.
Motivation gives us special power, so that we can be able to try continuously without getting tired. This gives us the motivation to keep working continuously till we get the success of the work, and our self-confidence helps us to keep patience.
When we get praise for a particular performance and good effort, our ability to put in the effort increases and we get inspired to do work harder.
(1). It's hard to get motivation without a goal
Motivation gives us the power to work in a positive direction to fulfil our desires, wants, needs. Through inspiration we get the ability to accomplish our objectives.
The desire to remove poverty, the desire to serve the society, our desire to be successful, the desire to get money, the desire to get a good job, the desire to live a respectable life, the desire to be healthy, inspires us to work in a positive direction.
Examples :
1. When we give special help to a very poor or needy person; Due to which we see the glow in their eyes and the smile on their face, then we get real happiness of life and inspiration to move forward.
We feel like we can do a lot and are also able to help in many ways, this inspiration gives us self-confidence.
2. When we see someone who struggles in life without any help and slowly moves on the path of progress; At such times we feel great inspiration and courage.
3. When we see an old man working hard, and yet he is happy and confident; So we get inspiration to struggle and work hard in life.
4. When we get success after hard work, then our confidence and happiness motivates us to achieve more new goals.
5. Inspirational sayings of a particular person and their experiences also give us courage and inspiration to do something good and big.
6. When we face a particular challenge courageously and become successful; So this success gives us double courage, and we are motivated to achieve our goal by special motivation and with confidence and achieve success.
2. Types of Motivation:
There are two types of inspiration -
1. External Motivation
2. Intrinsic Motivation
2.1. extrinsic motivation :
"When we do not feel like doing any work, but still we act compulsively (due to some kind of external pressure), the motivation to do such work is called external motivation."
This type of motivation comes from external resources such as money, social comments, external behaviour, praise from others on our work.
External motivation is influenced by an individual, external stimulus, reward, some result, external pressure.
In this, the person is motivated to work for self-respect, for wanting to move forward.
Studying for fear of exams, working for family expenses; All we do because of external motivation.
* Extrinsic motivation is temporary, diminishing with time and circumstances.
2.2. intrinsic motivation :
Intrinsic motivation comes from one's own mind.
In this type of motivation, the person does the work with his own pleasure; His inner happiness, passion work in doing tasks. A person gets his happiness in doing a particular work; It does not require any external pressure, encouragement, reward to do the work and doing the work gives him pleasure.
In inner motivation, we start doing the work on our own, by doing these tasks, we get spiritual happiness, peace.
Intrinsic motivation helps in the development of internal development, mental health of the person.
Intrinsic motivation is permanent and increases with time. It is only with intrinsic motivation that we become special, and achieve permanent success.
Waking up early in the morning, going to play, cleaning the house, walking, playing and jumping, etc., we do the work happily because of internal motivation.
3. Effects of Motivation:
The ability to bear the ups and downs of life, inspires us to move forward.
Sometimes we get frustration due to working in wrong conditions or behaviour of others, in such situation only motivation helps us to eliminate frustration and we are motivated to work with confidence even in difficult situations; Even if you fail, you get success through hard work.
Intrinsic motivation keeps our patience, due to which we work with confidence.
Motivation increases the chances of success of the person, the person feels himself full of enthusiasm, confidence.
In difficult situations, we get the power to fight the situation, find solutions only through inspiration.
Through inspiration we move towards achieving the goal and become successful; By which we get the self-confidence to achieve great success in the future.
I need your valuable suggestions or comments. I hope you will find success.
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