When we are not able to control our thoughts (mind), then we are fighting with our own thoughts, feelings; We start doubting our own abilities.

    In this situation, they feel themselves unable to sort out negative thoughts and adopt specific thoughts. This gives us restlessness, despair, anger, doubts.

    At such times, we should examine the thoughts with positive thinking and take any decision after thinking. 

Control the thoughts and try to change negative thoughts in positive direction with discretion, patience.

    If we give time to ourselves with determination and think positively on the negativity of thoughts, then gradually everything will become normal; Over time we will become more balanced and confident.

    The mind (negative thoughts) is fickle, only negative thoughts make the mind. Without thoughts the mind does not exist.

    If our thoughts are dynamic, we can never reach a specific conclusion; As a result, the pace of our development will stop.

Therefore, we have to tame the conflict of thoughts, fickleness, disturbances, disparities.

    Our thoughts are driven by our wants and needs. Many of these desires are such that if we waste time, then we will not be able to fulfil our real needs in the right time frame; Therefore, unnecessary desires and thoughts have to be curbed.

    We can suppress fruitless desires like being fond of sweets, addicted to gambling-alcohol, etc.

     Our distorted negative thoughts prevent us from knowing the reality, so at such times try to understand yourself, the situation. Pause for a while and work on negative thoughts and move on to positive thoughts, wishes.

    Can balance thoughts easily with meditation method; So include meditation in daily life.

    Therefore, we have to understand our thoughts, feelings, accept useful thoughts from the variety of thoughts and remove unnecessary thoughts with positive thinking.

    We should think that we cannot control everything/event if it is being done by someone else.

At such times we should not get discouraged and should learn to think that what else can we do apart from this work (thing)?

    By taking new risks and learning new and working skills, we can achieve greater success than ever before - all we need is patience and determination.

    Never take any decision in fear and haste, first consider every reason, solution and take a positive judicious decision.

    If we are aware of ourselves, then we will be able to concentrate positive thoughts, as a result, the existence of negative thoughts in the form of mind will disappear and our success will move towards prosperity.

By doing positive work on the following main points, only then we can achieve complete victory over the mind:-  

focus on the solutions

1. Restrict negative thoughts (Know the cause of every problem and take a positive decision).

2. Be aware and be result ready.

3. Visualize positively with confidence in yourself, be optimistic about victory.

4. Balance your thoughts with meditation and stay worry-free.

1. Restrict negative thoughts (knowing the cause of every problem and take a positive decision) -

    Negative thoughts, feelings of fear, doubt, worry etc. negative emotions prevent us from moving forward towards the goal, from making decisions.
The fear inside us increases and starts to distract us.

Our distorted negative thoughts prevent us from knowing the reality; So try to understand yourself, situations at such times.

Pause for a while and work on the negative thoughts; Be positive, think positive, move forward on desire.

    Having negative thoughts is a natural act, but by being aware with positive thinking, we can stop the effect of negative thoughts.

    The negativity of thoughts depends on our thinking; So always believe in yourself and your abilities. Honestly accepting your own shortcomings, weaknesses and try to overcome them with determination; Then all the negativity, negative thoughts and fear will automatically disappear and we will be able to focus on a positive thought.
In such a situation, when negative thoughts are not there, then the existence of the mind will automatically end.

    Whenever fear strikes, we should think about the worst condition of the problem - which can be at most; Then think about the solution and the situation after that - you will find that if we think positively about all the reasons then a complete solution will also be found. In this way we can eliminate that fear completely; We will automatically be free from worry.

    Never be in a hurry, never jump to any conclusions in a hurry. First consider the causes, remedies and then draw a positive conclusion. Know the truth of everything, then believe and consider it.

    There is a solution to every problem; Therefore, never create negative thoughts without thinking that - "There is no way now"; If we try, then we will definitely succeed even after failing - all we need is to know the reasons, remove them and work hard.

    Always focus on the solutions instead of focusing on the problems you face in life.

    Work on the present with determination and self-confidence - this will automatically make the future better.

    Never dwell on the mistakes and failures made in the past, otherwise we will unnecessarily promote anxiety and stress; thinking about what has happened will give us nothing - on the contrary, we can waste time and health.

    Be positive, think good thoughts. Once you start thinking positive then your subconscious-mind automatically starts working on positive solutions to the problems.

    So stay in the present, listen to the heart and think something positive differently - the negative thoughts of the mind will automatically disappear.

2. Be aware and be ready to fight the situation -

Eliminate negative thoughts-
with positive thinking

    Be aware of positive and negative thoughts/feelings; Prepare yourself to fight every situation in advance and mould your thoughts according to your goals.

    Eliminate negative thoughts with positive thinking as soon as possible; Then automatically we will move towards positive thoughts/feelings with confidence.

This will be possible only if we are already aware.

    Most of the fears are illogical, we can reduce them by prior planning, work-skill, knowledge. It takes courage, intelligence to overcome fear; We can develop it gradually.

We should consider every thought, fear, worry, doubt in reality, knowing our weakness, shortcomings from the truth; By working on them one should achieve success on them.

    Only by believing in ourselves can we remove negative thoughts.

    Faith is the biggest thing that can motivate us to fight against negative situations.

3. Believe in yourself -

Have faith in yourself
    Have faith in yourself, in your own abilities and in your ability to learn. Be optimistic and try to solve every new problem regularly with developing thinking.

    Believe that we can achieve anything by continuous effort with progressive thinking, this will reduce negative thoughts, anxiety in us and we can get positive energy.

    Try to reduce our old habits, laziness, learn to take risks with complete planning, practice continuously, learn and apply new information; This will increase our confidence.

    Never think about the failures of the past, live in the present and move forward on a definite goal with a positive attitude in the present; By this we will be able to focus the thoughts (mind) on one goal.

    Love yourself, give yourself time to evaluate your actions and plans and improve them. If a wrong idea comes, imagine its consequences; By doing this we will motivate the subconscious mind to stay away from it, which will automatically remove this bad thought and replace it with goal-oriented positive thoughts.


    Think positively on the strength of imagination over thoughts, goals; This will automatically remove the negativity, we will feel more energetic, confident than before. This process will motivate us to do more special.
In this way we can awaken our subconscious mind and motivate it towards the goal.

    If we always remember a divine-dream and attracts us to a particular task and we feel our love for that particular act then we should remember it, never forget it; Keep working on it as much as possible and keep increasing your knowledge, skills on that work - one day nature will also give us the power, planning, support to make that work successful; People with our same ideology will automatically join us, automatically our attention will move towards our real goal; We just have to keep the direction of our thoughts, thinking on our goal every moment - every moment and keep our focus on that goal with faith.

    Where there is a will, the way automatically goes on making; Therefore, with full faith in yourself, stick to the goal, do not let the thoughts wander; Feel the benefits of achieving the goal with the power of imagination, keep planning in the imagination, keep doing the actual work in the same direction according to the plan.

    With this, the thoughts of the mind will be strengthened and gradually we will go on moving towards the destination ourselves; No matter how contrary the current situation is to our goal.
Our prudence, patience, wise decision will only stop us from deviating from the goal.

    So know yourself, give yourself time, take inspiration from your own soul; We will get everything at a given time.
All you need is patience and unwavering faith in yourself.

5. Positive Affirmations -

    Whenever we get stuck in a big problem or feel disappointed, then with positive thinking, positive affirmation with confidence and feel the feeling of affirmation in our soul and subconscious mind; Feel the problem being solved by imagination and believe that we are getting success by following the plan with determination; This will give the ability to think positively to our inner and subconscious mind and we will have faith and firmness towards success.

    Feel yourself happy, healthy, successful. We will get positivity.

6. Balance thoughts with meditation method -

    By "Meditation" we can eliminate the existence of the mind, we can bring the body/mind out of the mind.

The meaning of meditation is to go out of the mind, to go away from the mind, to remain away from the mind, to get away from the entanglement of thoughts.
Through the method of meditation, we can get out of the conflict/confused/confused state of our thoughts.

  Meditation is not a method to calm the mind; It is a place of disturbance, a method to separate the body/soul from the causes; Due to which we get away from the causes of anger, hatred, fear and feel peace.

     The entire control of our body is under the control of the mind. The mind is controlled by the mind; From here all control messages go to the whole system.

        Meditation is the best way to clear the mind. Meditation also has a positive effect on our subconscious mind, with the combined effect of which we can achieve many amazing solutions by using positive-speaking (AFFIRMATION).

    Through meditation an energy cycle is created around the body; In which all the diseases, defects of the body are removed by the use of the world-power created, there is a feeling of new zeal, new energy, consciousness, enthusiasm in the body. We get wisdom and knowledge.


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