COVID l CORONA VIRUS l how can we safe from COVID-19



COVID-19 is a virus GENERETED disease caused by virus " SARS-CoV-2".

 SARS-CoV-2 VIRUS enter in our body by nose/ eyes or by throat. 

It can affect our respiratory system such as sinuses / nose / throat / windpipe / lungs.


Following are main symptoms which indicate us to affected by Covid-19 :-

1. fever

2. dry cough

3. weakness and tiredness

4. Muscle or joint pain and headache

5. sore throat

6. loss of taste or smell

7. Nasal congestion

8. Conjunctivitis (also known as red eyes)

9. Chills or dizziness.

10. difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

11. chest pain or pressure

12. loss of speech or movement

13. Bluish lips or face


Following are main safety precautions or methods by which we can safe us from disease of Covid-19 :-

1. Make social distance.
    Maintain at least 1 meter distance between you and people.
    If any coughing or sneezing make much distance that time.

2. Make habit to wear mask up to cover nose. If possible wear mask shield for much        protection.

3. If you go out side never compromise with mask. In environment Covid virus can be       harm you.

4. Improve your immunity system by use energetic diet or rest sufficient. If you feel           tired always have rest.

5. make much distance if any one smoking. During smoking covid virus can be spread     and can be harm others.

6. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or you can clean hands with alcohol based hand rub (sanitizer).

7. Avoid touching face by hand. If necessary first wash hand then touch face.

8. Keep room clean and well ventilated , avoid crowds and close contact.

9. Stay home if you feel unwell.

10. To maintain physical distancing ; avoid unnecessary travel and staying away from     large groups of people.

11. physical exercise , yoga or meditation can improve your immunity system that can      be safe you from covid effects.

12. drink much water if you feel lazy and dry throat. That protect you from virus to         enter in lungs.


    If we aware and follow all safety rules against COVID-19 then no need to fear.
Its a disease which spreads the same way other corona viruses do, mainly through person-to-person contact. Infections range from mild to deadly.

So, better make habit to wear mask whole time if you out side and wash hand with soap in all time if we need to touch face / nose / mouth.

Improve immunity system as we can and rest must as possible.

If you feel sick and feel body pain then have rest at home .

That way we can win danger of COVID .




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