Stealth Omicron l Stealth Omicron Variant l BA.2 Subvariant l Fourth Covid Wave l BA.2 l CORONA l COVID-19

Stealth Omicron / Stealth Omicron Variant / BA.2 Subvariant / Fourth Covid Wave / BA.2


    As we are hearing and reading everyday that the fourth wave of covid has knocked in the world, the evidence of this new virus has been found from Israel to many countries of the world.

    So, we need to know about this new variant and at the same time need to be cautious and careful from now on.

     As it is known, the new variant Omicron BA.2 is an upgraded version of BA.1.

    The new Omicron sub-variant has been named ' Stealth '; One of the main reasons for having this name is because - "stealth means 'hidden actions- slow by slow actions'; this new sub-variant also spreads easily by stealth and its infection symptoms are very difficult to detect."

    It is missing some key mutations in the spike protein present, making it difficult to identify this particular virus in a rapid PCR test. Mild symptoms appear 2 to 3 days after a person infected with this virus becomes infected.

    As China's health departments and WHO are warning about this new variant (BA.2); According to them, special caution and vigilance is urgently needed by everyone, because the new variant can be more infectious and more dangerous.

    Corona cases are spreading rapidly in China and many countries of Europe.

     'Stealth Omicron' has started making things worse. Apart from Britain, it is also spreading in France, Switzerland, Italy and the Netherlands.

Effects :- 

    So far nothing is clear about the death due to BA.2 (Stealth Omicron), but in a country like Hong Kong, the death rate has increased significantly. There have been more than 6 lakh hairstyles in South Korea.

    These figures are a clear warning that effective prevention and safety measures should be implemented with immediate effect. The slightest delay or security lapse can become a big problem.

         BA.2 is predicted to be more contagious than the already dominant BA.1.
        BA.2 is also capable of dodging the antibodies found from the vaccine.
        BA.2 is 1.5 to 2 times more lethal and contagious than BA.1.

Symptoms / Identification :-

    The new variant Omicron BA.2 is an upgraded version of the BA.1.

    The new Omicron sub-variant has been named ' Stealth '; One of the main reasons for having this name is because - "stealth means 'hidden actions- slow by slow actions'; this new sub-variant also spreads easily by stealth and its infection symptoms are very difficult to detect."

    It is missing some key mutations in the spike protein present, making it difficult to identify this particular virus in a rapid PCR test. Mild symptoms appear 2 to 3 days after a person infected with this virus becomes infected.

            With this, the infected person will not have symptoms such as loss of taste or smell and difficulty in breathing; which will make it difficult to detect the disease quickly.

    Those infected with BA.2 may experience dizziness, fever, cough, sore throat and symptoms of weakness and rapid fatigue. There may also be pain or fatigue in the muscles.

    There may also be difficulty in breathing, but it will not be as fatal to the lungs as DELTA.

Omicron :-

    The new version of SARS-COV-2 of Omicron COVID-19 is B. or BA.1

    It was first detected on 11 November 2021 in Botswana and on 14 November 2021 in South Africa.

    It is classified as a Variant of Concern (VOC).

    Omicron is more contagious than all the previous forms but less lethal than all of them. Omicron is less dangerous than Delta. Its symptoms are only of moderate effect.

    Yes ! Omicron also affects people who have been vaccinated; But it is not able to neutralize the vaccine to such an extent that the infected have to be hospitalized or they die.

    The existing COVID-19 vaccine is also able to protect against the Omicron virus; But there are not 100% effective, so a booster dose is necessary.

    Omicron can spread more quickly than Delta; But not able to have much lethal effect. 

    It can also cause effects in vaccinated persons; Therefore, even after having complete vaccination, it is necessary to take a booster dose, then only we will be completely safe.

    All predetermined standard precautions like washing hands, social distancing and using masks, not touching nose and eyes without washing hands etc. will also prove helpful in protecting against Omicron. We should follow them vigorously.

    Therefore, stay at home as far as possible, follow the mask and social-distance vigorously when you go out of the house and stay in an open-ventilated environment as far as possible.

    As well as all the vaccines of COVID-19 are also complete work ; But a booster dose will also be necessary.

Main concern & urge:-

    We all know that Omicron infection spreads very fast; So people who have not been vaccinated can become a factor in the spread of the virus.
    Therefore, the target of 100% vaccine should be achieved as soon as possible and booster doses should be applied to those who have been vaccinated, only then we can conquer Omicron and COVID infection.

    We should strictly follow the Corona-appropriate behavior.

    Use mask, wash hands with soap from time to time and use sanitizer, use ventilated and open environment, avoid overcrowding.

    Don't be afraid of Omicron but follow the safety measures then only we can be successful in protecting us as well as others.

SARS-COV-2 PCR KIT is capable to detecting the  Omicron variant (BA.1).



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