
Showing posts from October, 2021

Success l Success Factors l How to be Successful in life

Success / Success Factors   SUCCESS       The name of life is struggle. We can never be successful without struggle and without hard work.      The bigger our goals, the bigger efforts we have to make.     If we work then it is natural to have some mistakes or to get some failures; It is not wise to lose self-confidence in fear of them.      It is the difficulties and failures that come along the way that give us an opportunity to learn something new or get some new information.      If we are aware then by taking the right decision at the right time, we can turn failure into success. Therefore, it would be good that we learn from these failures and mistakes and by increasing our knowledge, skills, change the failures into new strength.      We have to make continuous efforts to fulfil our desires; but it is also not good to be restless to get only one thing. We have to maintain balance...

सफलता l जीवन में सफल कैसे हों l Success l Success Factors

जीवन में सफल कैसे हों ?   (  Success / Success Factors ) SUCCESS      जीवन का नाम ही संघर्ष है। बिना संघर्ष किए और बिना मेहनत के हम कभी भी सफल नहीं हो सकते हैं।  जितने बड़े हमारे लक्ष्य होंगे हमें उतने ही बड़े प्रयास करने होंगे।      अगर कार्य करेंगे तो कुछ गलतियां होना या कुछ असफलताएं मिलना भी स्वाभाविक है ; इनसे घबराकर आत्म-विश्वास खो देना समझदारी नहीं होती। मार्ग में आईं दिक्कतें और असफलताएं ही हमें कुछ नया सीखने या कुछ नई जानकारी प्राप्त करने का अवसर प्रदान करती हैं। अगर हम जागरूक होंगे तो सही समय पर सही निर्णय लेकर असफलता को सफलता में बदल सकते हैं। अतः अच्छा होगा हम इन असफलताओं और गलतियों से सीख़ लें और अपना ज्ञान , कौशल बढाकर असफलताओं को नई ताकत में बदल दें।       अपनी चाहतों को पूरा करने के लिए सतत प्रयास तो करने ही होंगे ; लेकिन केवल किसी एक ही चीज़ को पाने के लिए बैचेन बने रहना भी ठीक नहीं हैं। हमें संतुलन बनाये रखना होगा , स्वयं पर तथा स्वयं के प्रयासों पर आत्मविश्वास बनाये रखना होगा।      ...


  WHAT IS MIND CONFUSED MIND           We often hear and keep saying this word that - "Confused mind", "CONFUSED MIND", Illusion, "Cleansing of mind", "Confused mind", "Freshness of mind", "Happy mind - Unhappy mind", " disturbed mind".


  CONTROL OF MIND CONTROL OF MIND      When we are not able to control our thoughts (mind), then we are fighting with our own thoughts, feelings; We start doubting our own abilities.     In this situation, they feel themselves unable to sort out negative thoughts and adopt specific thoughts. This gives us restlessness, despair, anger, doubts.     At such times, we should examine the thoughts with positive thinking and take any decision after thinking.  Control the thoughts and try to change negative thoughts in positive direction with discretion, patience.     If we give time to ourselves with determination and think positively on the negativity of thoughts , then gradually everything will become normal; Over time we will become more balanced and confident.     The mind (negative thoughts) is fickle, only negative thoughts make the mind. Without thoughts the mind does not exist.     If our thoughts are dynamic, w...

Will Power l Strong will Power l Determination l How to develop will Power

Will Power  STRONG WILL POWER      Will power, determination, self-discipline, self-control, etc. combined mean will power.     Desire is born on the basis of our needs and our feelings. As we have our needs, we start thinking and our desires are awakened to fulfil our needs, which with the influence of our ability and environment, we try to do them accordingly.     Our thought-like mind gives different suggestions to our feelings and desires in many ways, due to which we find ourselves unable to stick to any one desire and one thought. This inability is known only by one's own efforts to stay firm on any one desire, due to which spiritual, inner power is possible; That is what we call will-power.           It is not possible to remain firm on any one desire without determination; Our moving thoughts prevent us from sticking to a determination, which we can conquer only with determination and self-motivation . ...