Success l Success Factors l How to be Successful in life

Success / Success Factors 


    The name of life is struggle. We can never be successful without struggle and without hard work.

    The bigger our goals, the bigger efforts we have to make.

    If we work then it is natural to have some mistakes or to get some failures; It is not wise to lose self-confidence in fear of them.

    It is the difficulties and failures that come along the way that give us an opportunity to learn something new or get some new information.

    If we are aware then by taking the right decision at the right time, we can turn failure into success.

Therefore, it would be good that we learn from these failures and mistakes and by increasing our knowledge, skills, change the failures into new strength.

    We have to make continuous efforts to fulfil our desires; but it is also not good to be restless to get only one thing. We have to maintain balance, have confidence in ourselves and our efforts.

    Time has its own pace and we have our limits.
Most of us get stuck in the good and bad memories of the past.

    How much time do we waste in the past? Our problems start increasing even more.
Therefore, it would be better to concentrate our thinking on the present and concentrate the mind on the present.

    We have to control our inner fears, emotions with positivity by bringing flexibility in life.
We should look at the truth within ourselves rather than outside; You should feel the effect of your abilities, spiritual energy.

    We need to know our own realities; Such as - "What are we?", "What are our goals?", "What can we become?", "How are our life experiences?", "What are our weaknesses, beliefs?". With this, we will be able to move ourselves in the right direction by getting information about our own capabilities, limitations.

    To be successful, we have to come out of safe and easy circles, from our own laziness, royal mourning, frivolous friendship, excessive fun.

    Instead of relying on others, we have to make ourselves so strong that we can face every situation patiently.

    We should have no need to be afraid of what others say or think about us. We should focus on ourselves and do the work on which we have full faith, which we have full understanding, capabilities.

    There is nothing wrong in taking the opinion of others; But taking the final decision by working with one's own mind will be high.

    We should not have any need to be afraid of failure, we should never do the work fearing others.
We should believe in ourselves completely. If we can't believe in ourselves, how can others believe in us?

    If we work according to the plan with determination and self-confidence, then surely we can be successful; Provided that we stick to our resolve and willpower, stop listening to the world.

    It's not a bad thing if we're feeling stuck in our particular opinions, fears, and past pains; If we give ourselves time to think about them and try to get out of these problems, then we can move towards success by becoming more empowered. For this, we have to be honest with ourselves and find solutions by feeling our feelings, fears and pain.

    We have to put our powers in the right direction with self-confidence. And with enthusiasm, you will have to move forward with the goal in a new direction.
In such a situation, one has to control oneself, keep the mind under control, reach a positive conclusion with patience and understanding.

    We should take all good and bad decisions responsibly and never blame our defeat on others.
Take responsibility for all the incidents that happen yourself, try to be better. This will develop your understanding and self-confidence.

    Worrying about past mistakes or blaming others will not achieve anything. It would be good that we live in the present, by finding the reasons for the mistakes, trying to succeed by correcting the mistakes with new thinking, skills, techniques.

    We should work hard to make the present better.
    Let us not mourn the past, don't worry about the future.

    It is better to act wisely with courage than to sit in fear in a difficult situation.
Try to solve problems quickly. If you will be determined and make positive efforts then you will definitely get success.

1. Listen To Others :
Listen To Others

    Sometimes we are so filled with negativity that we do not want to listen to the suggestions or things of others. By not understanding the words of others, we start making unnecessary anger and can even make allegations. By doing this we tarnish our own image and at the same time we only accept more negativity.
So always listen to others first and consider their point of view; After that give a settled response with thoughtfulness.

2. Demonstrate Yourself :
Be Open-Minded

    If we do not agree with someone, then we should not keep silent and tell our reaction to others with a cold mind with restraint.

This will also make them aware of our disagreement, and we will avoid frustration.

It is better to take frustration in the pursuit of pleasing others that we immediately show dissent and give them a chance to improve. This will make our relations more open, practical.

There should be clarity about what you want or how you feel.
Don't pour your anger or mistakes on someone else; Instead, tell your opinion to the people in front and make everything clear immediately.

3. Never expect that everyone will agree with you :

    Others may have different thinking, so do not make the mistake of forcefully making them agree.

4. Goal Setting :
Goal Setting

    Set your life goals.
Without a goal, we cannot discipline ourselves and concentrate towards the work.

To achieve the goal, one has to be determined and courageous.

We have to bring flexibility in thinking and set goals according to our ability, skill. We should be ready to adopt new methods according to new needs.

To achieve the goal, one has to be disciplined towards the work with determination.

5. Listen to your heart, live freely :

    Keep your emotions under control, do not lighten your mind with small things.

Be emotional but use your feelings to find a solution with positive thinking.

It is good to be sensitive, but keep the feelings separate from the feelings; Don't take everything to heart or get emotional.
Feelings like irritation, annoyance, anger, guilt, fear are harmful.

Being emotional in the opposite environment can spoil the work; Therefore, at this time by controlling your emotions, think positively on the reasons and find solutions to improve the situation, only then the atmosphere can improve.

By getting angry in the opposite environment, we will only harm ourselves. If we get frustrated at this time, then the situation can become more painful without any further solution.

Adversity can be overcome in the following ways :-

1. Control fear and anger in adverse situations. 

    At this time, work with restraint, try to find solutions with patience.
Even if we do not agree with something, avoid reacting impulsively. It would be good to keep your side by working with restraint. Arguing can make the situation worse.

    Never be afraid or angry; Analyse the situation to see how useful these opposites are to you; What are we worried about? ; How important are the people who hurt you in your life?
If these things do not hold much importance in your life, then avoid wasting time or worrying on them.

    Do not carry anything for a long time; Take quick decisions and move forward with confidence on the new path, rejecting the wrong, meaningless things.

    We have to change our attitude of thinking and understanding and always keep our behaviour in such a way that due to this there is no problem in future; Get everyone's cooperation.

2. Express yourself.

    If something is hurting you, then definitely react with restraint to the person in front. By not expressing your feelings, slowly bad thoughts start accumulating in the mind; Which we inflict on others in the form of anger, annoyance, anger and work to spoil the situation.

    Only by talking we can identify each other's reasons, viewpoints, we can make mutual agreement. We can clear the confusion of others only by talking.
Therefore, present your side with fearlessness, firmness and restraint, do give a chance to others to speak and listen seriously to everything they say. Only then can we find a permanent solution.

    Do not be confused about anything, enjoy life with an open heart.
    We can overcome the ups and downs of life only by making positive efforts with positive thinking.

    Sitting down feeling emotional or disappointed will never yield any fruitful results. So go ahead with the solution with the plan.

6. Bring practical flexibility in making compromises :

    Thoughtful agreements do not go wrong with circumstance and time; If it brings mutual agreement, progress, peace from both the sides.
But compromising fear can increase our personality, body frustration, self-aggrandizement, depression, stress, etc.

Impractical compromises can block our progress.

Therefore, in view of the situation and after assessing the success-failure, make a habit of compromising by taking decisions.

Never make us feel inferior to anyone else.
Take decisions by listening to your heart.
It is wrong to compromise at every step. Never make a wrong compromise just to please someone.
If we never agree with the opinion of others, then fearlessly oppose it.

We must know the difference between right and wrong.
Flexibility is not wrong, but it is wrong to take decisions out of fear.

7. Don't Have Expectations :

    We should come to live in the present.

Sometimes we ignore the present and keep expecting the future and the benefits we will get in the future.

    If we pay attention to the present and succeed, then the future itself will become brighter and in future we will automatically achieve more than expected. Therefore, work on the present without expectation, this can make your mind and mind concentrated and calm.
Imagining the future can put us in a dilemma.

    Yes ! It is not wrong to plan for the future; It is our goals that inspire us to move forward. The only means here is that we concentrate more and more on the present, enjoy small happiness-successes, then the goals will go on being fulfilled gradually.

    Expecting too much can lead us astray from the goal. Therefore, instead of always paying attention to the expectations, pay attention to the obstacles in the goal, try to make them successful. With this we can be successful in making ourselves calm, disciplined, concentrated.

    Feel the small joys found in life in the present, go ahead according to the plan.

Special :-

1. Expectation from others -

    We should believe in ourselves, never expect from others; Because we can mould ourselves according to our goals but not others.

    Yes ! We can inspire others according to our goal, make them allies in our goal.
We can take family, life partner, parents and children along with us; But they also have some limitations. Therefore, keep expectations from them only to a limit, motivate them too, but it is in our control to change ourselves.
Give support, encouragement to the family, life partner, parents and children without any hope so that all of them do not cheat even if they lose in an emergency.

    We have to learn to behave balanced.

    We have to grow according to our own goals and not what others expect from us.
agree with the good things of others; But never deviate from your goal to please them.

    We have to live up to our own expectations and not pay attention to what others expect of us.
    Don't worry about others and do what helps you achieve your goal.

    Do not put too much pressure on your life partner, family members, nor keep such expectations from them that your behaviour will change unknowingly or unknowingly. Adopt spontaneity with family and keep your behaviour practical.
Excitement, emotionality can spoil work.
We have to believe that everyone is doing their best. If possible give them the right directions; But don't put pressure on them.

    We should give priority to open and honest behaviour towards others. This is a good quality.

2. Live in the present moment -

    Stop thinking too much about the future.

3. Stop Forming Opinions -

    Never give any opinion or judgment about others; Stop criticizing them. This allows you to focus on yourself.
    Never expect others to act according to you. Pay attention to yourself and make yourself so powerful that you do not have to depend on others.

    Never try to impose your opinion on someone else.
Always listen to others first, give others a chance to present their side; After that, put your side wisely.

    Do not refuse to accept the point of others or logic without thinking. If you are stuck on your own point of view, do not want to listen to others, then it means that you are slowly pushing yourself towards the downfall due to pride.

    Never have a stubborn nature. Flexibility is right, if the other is right then it would be wise to obey him. This will increase your personality in the eyes of others.

4. Do the work according to the plan, but do not keep thinking about the results -

    Keep doing the work with ease, keep reviewing them too. But don't be too scared about the future consequences.
    We can only control the present. Worrying about the future will only lead to depression, rate, frustration and despondency; Nothing will be of benefit.

    Just give your best, take inspiration and further learning from whatever result you get and try to progress.

    To make life the best, we have to try and learn continuously. We have to make constant efforts to improve our work.
    Identify your weaknesses, know the nuances of the job, try to learn them and increase your skills.

    If you work, it is natural to make mistakes; But it is our responsibility to rectify them. We have to work on the remedies by considering the reasons to rectify the mistakes.

    If we want to be in competition, then we have to adopt new changes by doing new experiments in working style, behaviour, technical skills.

    Those who adopt new things quickly, enthusiasm, self-confidence increases in them; His thinking is also positive.

8. Know Yourself :

    The race of life will continue throughout life, but if we want to get happiness, then we should give maximum time to ourselves every day.
We should be aware of our own weaknesses and strengths.
    All the happiness-sadness, success-failure in life will have to be seriously assessed, accordingly positive changes will have to be brought in oneself; Only then can we achieve real goals and success.

    Must have faith in oneself, strong feelings. We should be positively proud of our strengths and successes. Unless we accept ourselves, others can never believe in us.

    Do not be arrogant but must be self-respecting; You should also have complete self-confidence in yourself.

    For your spiritual growth, always keep a relationship with positive people, do not keep relationships with negative thoughts, hypocrites, incest, mischievous, jealous-hatred, time-wasters as soon as possible. With this you will be able to focus on yourself, you will always be surrounded by positive energy.

    We are all special beings in this creation, there are immense powers, qualities hidden inside us; If there is a need, then just recognize them, adopt them and give importance to them.

    Make positive efforts to overcome obstacles, self-analyse yourself. Make your weaknesses and defeats your strength by learning something new; This will definitely bring success.

    We also have to get rid of the realm of fear by coming out of our old stereotypes, boundaries, unnecessary beliefs.
    The fear of failure haunts us most of the time; Even sometimes they are afraid to achieve big success. Sometimes we don't think we deserve to live a better life. We have to have a strong belief in ourselves and "what will people say?" Just like getting rid of fear has to be done.

    If we look deeply, we are very capable, energetic, but we do not try to understand them and give time to ourselves.

    We have to conquer the mind, control our emotions, only then we can come out of the bondage of fear by recognizing our abilities.

    Self-respect, self-control is the power on which we can identify ourselves and fight with the situations with self-confidence.

    Never compromise with the wrong circumstances, through hard efforts, we will definitely be able to change the situation according to us, achieving small success; If we have determination, with confidence in ourselves, we should be able to increase our ability to work hard and fearlessly.


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