How to increase self-worth? l Value l Status l Prestige l Respect l Honour

How to increase self-worth? 


    “We will find many such people in our life, whose respect and status is enough, their fame spreads not only in a limited area but also to the country and abroad, and the world follows them to give them respect. "

    Have you ever thought that what is the special attraction or such special quality in these special people due to which they remain full of self-confidence and wherever they go people are filled with joy and happiness by meeting them?

    They are also human beings like us and are related to our society; Then how do they get such a successful personality?

    What is it that in some special people, because of which we look at them with respect or their fame automatically spreads all around, there is a special attraction in their personality.

    All this is the result of their inner and outer self-worth.

    Such talented people are no different from us, the only difference is in their behavior, personality, colloquialism and ways of thinking and reacting.

    High-value people have positive thinking and high self-confidence; The effect of which can be clearly seen through their behavior and reactions.

    The value of people with high personality is seen from their character, positive thinking.

    They stay away from bad company, they know how to accumulate and use time and money. They are of mature personality, their way of speaking and responding is soft and full of self-confidence.

All these collectively make him a common man to a special person. 


    If you want people to like you, increase your respect and value, then you have to become that person in yourself with a true heart; you have to make positive efforts to remove your shortcomings, weaknesses, hidden fears.

    Only when you achieve excellence in yourself will people value you and treat you with respect.

    We have experienced many times that 2 persons whose income, status are the same; yet one of them has more respect, whether it is about society or family and kinship, that one is given more respect and value. All this happens due to the difference in our behavior, cheerfulness-personality and conduct-ideas.

    Now let's talk about their principles and ways to increase their value.

    If we see or listen to people in every action or act according to their mood and perceptions then we will never be able to increase our value.

    People will get jealous and hate you whatever you do. If you do well and progress, you will get jealous and if you fail even a little, you will laugh at you.

Then why should we waste time on people with such dirty tendencies. What we know about ourselves, others cannot know;

    Therefore, knowing your own good and bad, you should try to improve them continuously.

    Own purpose and function; You should determine yourself.

    We should increase own internal values ​​like happiness, self-confidence, kindness, satisfaction.


In short, the following measures will be helpful:- 

1. Always look at yourself, think only about your own progress and focus on ways to move forward.      

It is good if you can be helpful in the progress of others, but it is never right to have jealousy and hatred towards others. Feeling jealous of others distracts you from your own attention and your valuable time will be wasted; Also, its effect will be bad on your health.

    Keep calm, learn to be patient; This will inculcate a sense of decency in you which is important in increasing your value.

Be happy.   

2. Stop looking at others with jealousy or judging them, because of this your reputation falls in the eyes of others. You also increase frustration in yourself, if you always compare yourself with others.

    If you want to compare, then compare your own work and plan and make new paths ahead.
3. Engage in meditation; This will make you feel lighter and refreshed. You will stay away from stress and worries.

4. Always keep a relation with more progressive people than you, know their ways of working and try to improve yourself by taking inspiration from them; In this way you can increase your value manifold in less time.

But stay away from lazy and negative thoughts people, by this you can avoid misuse of time.

    Taking opinion or learning from progressive people is not bad; but don't depend on anyone, make yourself worthy by hard work.

    Don't put too much hope on others.

5. Stop blaming yourself or others.

    If there is something lacking in you, then spend time in removing the shortcomings by continuous effort, by learning from this you can increase new abilities and skills. In this way you can develop new avenues of success.

6. Respect yourself and never feel low or weak, you are the best you are and you can become more important by trying.

    No matter how bad the situation or calamity comes, don't let your self-esteem fall.

    Self-respect is the source of our self-confidence, so with patience and perseverance, get yourself out of situations but do not drop your self-esteem.

7. There is victory over fear.

    So never be afraid to take risk, but take only those work which you have the ability to make successful and the work which gives you happiness and progress.

    Do not waste your time by thinking through the work; plan as soon as possible and start the work at the right time.

This will increase both your value and self-confidence.


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