Sunday, April 10, 2022

IMPROVE SELF-VALUE (PART-2) l Value l Honour l Prestige l Status l Respect l Self-Worth




"We will find many such people in our life, whose respect and status is enough, their fame spreads not only in a limited area but also to the country and abroad, and the world follows them to give them respect. "

    They are also human beings like us and are related to our society; Then how do they get such a successful personality?

What is it that in some special people, because of which we look at them with respect or their fame automatically spreads all around, there is a special attraction in their personality.

All this is the result of their inner and outer self-worth.

    Such talented people are no different from us, the only difference is in their behavior, personality, colloquialism and ways of thinking and reacting.

High-value people have positive thinking and high self-confidence; The effect of which can be clearly seen through their behavior and reactions.

The value of people with high personality is seen from their character, positive thinking.


    Increasing our value-event depends on our self. If we think positive; If we have positive feelings towards others, then we will automatically take our personality to the higher level.

    If we do not pay attention to ourselves and keep busy in slandering others, then we will lose our reputation very soon.

    If you want people to like you, respect you from the heart and increase your dignity; So you have to become that person inside you with a true heart in yourself; You have to overcome your shortcomings, weaknesses and hidden fears of yourself.

    Learn to value yourself, give yourself plenty of time and keep trying to advance yourself.

    Never let yourself be a victim of inferiority complex, consider yourself high.

    Never feel light by comparing yourself to others. Unless you believe in yourself, no one can believe in you. So only by believing in yourself you can get value.

    In whatever field you want to be successful, try your best to develop your personality and personality accordingly.

    Never compromise on self-esteem, never let it fall.

Be successful !

The respect (value) of a successful and prosperous person is highest in the society.

    Never depend on anyone else, be self-dependent on the strength of your work and hard work. This will automatically increase your respect in the eyes of others.

    It would be good that we should be capable enough that we can help others and give them suggestions and move forward; This will increase our value manifold.

    When we will achieve a high position in life on our own, then automatically people in the world will respect and respect you, they will start following you.

    Always listen to the voice of your heart, keep looking for the way forward with honesty and responsibility towards yourself; Only then can we deserve high-success and understand our self-respect and value.

{NOTE: Before going into further detail, please see the first part of it, in this all the necessary information about value addition has been given in brief. After reading and understanding it, you will understand everything easily. For this please click here:- Value (Part-1)}

The main qualities, habits to increase the value are as follows:-

Self Attention

1. Never be available to anyone in excess:

     Engage yourself in positive personal work.
Never be so kind to anyone that as soon as they starts using you on every little thing or whenever you see him keep hovering around him.
Due to this, you can look low and empty in the eyes of others, you can reduce your respect.
    Instead of wasting time on others without compulsion, it is better that we use this time properly for our own progress.

Be busy and never cling to anyone.
Yes ! If the other person is in any compulsion, then definitely help them - this is also our moral obligation.

    You must be able to say no or say no. Don't spend time just to please someone or get the favor of others; Only then can you open the doors of your success by growing.

2. Develop your personality and the art of conversation:

            Personality should be attractive and impressive according to our work condition and environment.

    There should be a sense of fearlessness and decency in speaking. The more we acquire personality and communication skills, the higher our value becomes.

May our postures be effective and speak only as much as is necessary. Respect the words of others and also give opportunity to others to speak.
    Don't waste your time arguing or gossiping.
Use your time wisely on yourself or at work.
Learn to distance yourself from others, never reveal your feelings in front of others.

    The way we live in the environment, we become of the same level in the eyes of the people. If we stay in company now, our thinking will be positive and progressive, but if we stay in wrong company then our downfall will happen gradually.

    Whatever you say, speak clearly and truthfully, stay away from false assurances.

    Stay away from slanderous and evil dirty habits.

    Do not let your honor and prestige be diminished by talking nonsense or saying something different from the subject.

    The choice of words should be good.
    Whenever you talk to someone, do it thoughtfully, talk in less words with self-confidence.
    When someone asks you for advice or opinion, then keep your point with ease. Never give advice without asking and let others have their own opinion.

    Speak less, but the response should be engaging and confident.

    Avoid excessive emotionality and timid tendencies.
All this will increase your respect and value. People in front will respect you.

    Never have jealousy or animosity towards others without any reason. Avoid making fun of or badmouthing anyone.

    Help others, if possible, be helpful in increasing their respect and value.

    If someone is making progress, encourage him, not make him behave competitively.
Appreciate the good deeds of others. With all these things, others will give you support and priority, which will have a positive effect on your value.

Do not praise yourself, prove your superiority with work.

3. Increase Your Knowledge and Skills:

            Do whatever you can to make yourself a successful person. With this, you can increase your value as well as your chances of success by making good use of time.

    With the increase in knowledge and skills, our self-confidence also increases and we can move forward.

    One should demonstrate himself through work, make constant efforts to bring proficiency in the work; This will increase skill in your work and will be helpful in success.

    Stay ahead in every activity of your field and keep encouraging others, this will increase your well-wishers.

4. Do not tell your secret things to anyone: 
Maturity In Personality

            There should always be maturity in personality, being more emotional can lower your value in the eyes of others.
    No matter how compulsive you are, don't go around revealing your sorrow everywhere, it will declare you in a poor and fallen state in front of others.
    Always be self-respecting and self-conceited and on the strength of hard work, by engaging with the circumstances, on your own strength, convert the troubles into victory.

5. Learn to appreciate yourself:

            Give yourself plenty of time, know about yourself regularly, do positive work to make the work condition agreeable, it is necessary to give rest to the body and mind in between work.

Keep trying to keep yourself moving forward.
    Try to make your personality, speech high according to the work, environment; This will inculcate self-confidence.

    Consider yourself high, don't feel low by comparing yourself to others.

    Respect yourself, this will bring positivity in your behavior.

6. Be Successful:

            A successful and prosperous person has the highest respect.

    Make yourself self-dependent, never be dependent on anyone. By becoming self-dependent, your respect automatically increases in the eyes of others. By becoming self-dependent, our self-confidence increases, which results in our development.

    It would be good that we should be capable enough to help others and give them suggestions and move forward. With this, your fame as well as value will increase manifold.

    Consistently focus on self-improvement, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and enhance your knowledge and skills to overcome them.

Get out of your comfort-zone and learn new things for your own life, progress, increase your value by using them.

    Whenever someone does something different, then people make fun of them, make comments and talk encouraging things; But instead of focusing on people with such negative thoughts, we have to focus only on our own goal.

    We should not consider ourselves weak, directionless by getting frustrated with the negative things of the world.

    "What are we, what are our abilities?" - The people of this world do not know; So believe in yourself and keep working towards your goals.

    Face all the difficulties and challenges that may come, then only you can get away from negative people and achieve some great success.

    When we will achieve a great position in life on our own, then automatically the people of the world will value you and start following you.

So, always listen to your heart, keep looking for ways ahead with responsibility towards yourself, then only we can be entitled to high success, can understand our own value.

7. Build your own unique identity (BRAND):

            Take the work to such a high level so that your name can reach beyond the country and the world level. Who does not know people like Dalai Nama, Mother Teresa, Elon Musk, Abraham Lincoln, Swami Vivekananda etc.; They have earned their name and identity on their own.
     Raising above a small level and achieving a high level of success on one's own strength, some special value is attained; Those who get high success from property, business etc. on the basis of ancestral or grace, their name never reaches far and wide. But by being self-reliant and achieving a great position on one's own strength, that name becomes immortal.

So leave your dependence on others and do something big - then only you will be entitled to something different and special value.

    Decide your own specific style, determine the way of working and move on it with confidence.
    Always bring natural changes in yourself, never let others' imitation cover your change. Maintain your own unique style; But it should be yours.

If you imitate others, you will look strange and fake in the eyes of others. Always live yourself in reality and don't depend on others your natural nature.

As your self-confidence, prosperity increase in you, your form will automatically become your exclusive brand; Which will prove to be an important factor in your natural value addition. People will automatically be attracted by your successful personality and respect you and there will be a natural increase in your prestige.

    You have to be alert for continuous improvement in your gait, dress, manner of speaking and responding style and smile-face according to work condition and situation. The dress should be attractive according to the working condition, improve the dressing-sense.

    If you will be aware of your own improvement, then automatically attraction and self-confidence will develop in your natural nature, your habits will also improve automatically.
Others will value you and like your personality.

8. Never Be Dependent On Anyone:

     Create your own life goals.

    Never consider yourself weak and devoid of dedication.

    Have big positive dreams and resolve to fulfill them by being self-reliant with self-confidence.

    Take the responsibility of your every good and bad results honestly, but never expect anything from anyone else.

If you try to depend on others, then you will not be able to prepare yourself for hard work and at the same time your value will be reduced in the eyes of others.

You can get opinion and advice from other positive thinking people (who are associated with your work and have already achieved great success), but don't go after everyone; Otherwise, your heart may get hurt by saying no to them or considering you as a burden.

    It would be good that you develop your ability by learning yourself, making continuous efforts, make the work successful. This will increase your respect and value manifold in the eyes of others.

9. Never Compromise on Self-Esteem:

            Never compromise on your self-respect and self-respect.
            Who knows not to respect you, who does not value you again and again, tries to bring you down again and again; You should stay away from such people. Otherwise you will lose your self-esteem.

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आपकी सफलता के बीच की मुख्य बाधा और कोई नहीं आप स्वयँ ही हैं !

आपकी सफलता के बीच की मुख्य बाधा और कोई नहीं आप स्वयँ ही हैं ! हाँ !! दोस्तों-- हमें ना तो कोई सफल या असफल बना सकता है, और ना ही हमें किसी ने...